How Do I Finance A Long Term Trip To Rio?

Discussion in 'Brazil' started by TheSamantha, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    I don't believe the propaganda about Brazil being a hell hole. It's safer than it looks. I lived in Africa and even THAT was safer than it looks, let alone what is not even a third world country really (second world).

    I want to spend at least four weeks there next year, hopefully between January and April, during their warmer months.

    How much do you think I'll need?
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I tried two travel agencies to accommodate a trip to Rio for multiple weeks, but both came back that there were nothing available for the dates selected. I think though if you are planning to stay somewhere for a full month you can probably get a discounted rate. You probably need to find someone who speaks Portugese to help you negotiate a more reasonable rate though. I can't imagine they will be at first blush ready to make a deal.

    You might be able to do it on like $3,000? That's probably underestimating the cost a little bit. I know when I go on vacation, I like to spend a little bit. Lol.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Well you know the cost. You know the way. You have to get a visa of course... and the money and the ticket. Check...

    Place to stay? Or are you planning to tour the entire country? It's pretty big!!!

    Might want to focus more on an area and make plans from there... like where to stay, eat, get help, have fun, etc.

    How's your Portuguese?

    When I want to do what you want to do I just make a plan to go live there until I want to leave... no set beginning, no set ending, just flowing with the universe.

    As to financing this endeavour, most ladies of a certain age I knew back in the day would smuggle a little something in or out... and thus finance their lives for a bit. But this is problematic and extremely risky... in these times of high tech surveillance and a general lack of privacy.

    If you really want to go you will find a way!
  4. morrow

    morrow Visitor

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