I have a gig in some other town in a week and will have to look for a hostel. I really don't know how all that works and can't find much about it on internet so if anyone could explain me I'd be very greatful. So: 1. Do I need to book hostel few days before over the internet, or can I just arrive there and check in immediately? 2. If I check in for 1 night, can I come and be in a hostel all day before and day after that night? 3. Are the hostels open all night? -because I will probably come back around 1 or 2 o'clock after midnight.. Thanks!!
from what I hear, might want to get a Big jug of Lysol and Scrub the shower floor before bathing, the shower in a Hostel can be a Bacterial breeding ground gone rogue. ugh.
i believe you check in at 8pm...then at around 2am someone comes aroud to steal your shit...then around 4am they murder you happy travels
The last time I stayed at a youth hostel was in 1974 when I was hiking the Appalachian Trail with my future wife. We got into Harper's Ferry, West Virginia and heard about the hostel. We cruised on over and found it had a kitchen, an inside picnic table, and two dorms, male and female, each with their own restrooms and showers. The dorms had bunk beds, you supplied your own sleeping bags. We picked mulberries from a tree in the yard and someone baked a pie and we listened to the dude who had a bear attack his backpack and marveled at the holes in his metal mess kit. There were like, four of five people there besides us. The "house parents" lived behind a door in another part of the house and checked in from time to time. On the second day they announced they were going somewhere for a few days and left us in charge. We got to collect the dollar or so from any newbies and throw it in the kitty. When they came back they tried to talk us into hopping a freight train. A good time was had by all. There still is a hostel in the town.
Many types of hostels really but mostly designed so that it's very flexible, but I'd suggest booking in advance for almost any sort of accommodation, I've had not much luck finding something ASAP and if so, I'm paying a lot for it. So the normal hostel basically lets you have the run of the place but yes you'll be sharing utilities and bathrooms etc. most I've been have one big room in the centre and rooms all around that room for your sleeping. If you like your personal space and don't like random people then stay away from a hostel but if you like new people and trying to make friends then they are extremely good idea. The hostel I work at, is cleaned very regularly and because we offer outside activities, we usually have a vacated premise where the cleaners can come in and clean, few times a day. Our place is clean but I've been to other hostels where like said previously you're wearing shoes in the shower etc. And I would be mindful that, because of the shared premise, your gear really isn't safe.. I know that's sounds bad but you've got to look at these things realistically too and that, opportunistic people will take advantage of cheap hostels just to rip off the guests. That doesn't happen at our accommodation because we are more geared to hosting large groups of friends rather than singular people. If someone wanted to spend a few nights with us on their own, that's just not right for us and we'd probably deny.. it's the outside activities that make us money and keep business afloat. not just a cheap room for someone to live in for a few days.