How do guys feel about confident/forward women?

Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by JDsPrincess, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. JDsPrincess

    JDsPrincess Members

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    Hi guys,

    Whats your opinion on women who "make the first move" or that are very lets say "descriptive" when chatting/sexting?

    I have been told on lots of occasions (especially within this forum) that they think I'm really a guy pretending to be a girl.

    I find this hilarious but just wondered if im in the minority when it comes to women initiating chat/sexting?
    Justinsky and waynedunn like this.
  2. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Some guys like to be dominated and would find that quite acceptable .I have been asked out 6 times by women over a 12 month period and I am married ! IMO we live in a much more liberalised society and some women prefer to make the first move. And why not ?
    erofant likes this.
  3. JDsPrincess

    JDsPrincess Members

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    The funny thing is, im not really that dominant in the bedroom, i much prefer a man to take control.

    I actually think I'm confident with approaching guys etc because most of my close friends are men and ive had the same friend group for over 20 years.....I'm 35. I think women who have women as friends are just not wired the same way when it comes to interacting with men on a platonic level eg. buying rounds of drinks in pubs, joking in certain ways and being more forward in talking about sex to men etc.
    Nothing wrong at all with being a girls girl btw.
    Think i may just have a mans brain in a womans head hahaha
    waynedunn likes this.
  4. MartNorth

    MartNorth Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Sounds to me like you know what you want and are not afraid/too timid, to ask for it or move on that desire.
    I've never found it a turn off to be approached.
    JDsPrincess likes this.
  5. grower88

    grower88 Members

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    personally i don't have a problem with it although i've known lots of men who have issue with it. In my opinion the ones that take issue with it typically have some underlying issues/insecurities and think its the 1950s
  6. Chuck Burns

    Chuck Burns Members

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    I would find it refreshing. So many times I had to debate with myself how I should approach a woman wondering if I read her body language right etc. I met a woman like that after I married and sometimes wonder if her forwardness and honesty might be the best to create a strong lasting relationship.
    JDsPrincess likes this.
  7. Papa1441

    Papa1441 Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    You can chat on here with me any time you would like, go ahead make the first move
  8. erofant

    erofant Members

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    JDsPrincess - ^^^^ x-2!! I find confident girls/ladies a HUGE turn-on. A confident woman is very sexy in my eyes. I can talk about sexual things for hours ……….. and hours. Chat with me ANYTIME!!! I really love learning how you ladies think. I have several long-time female friends (platonic) that are very confident to talk about sexual things. I love talking to them - great sources of info - very helpful.

    I've always wanted to author a sex survey directed at women - anonymously of course - and hope they would all be HONEST with their answers. I'd love to know how many women hate sex (in reality), how many love it, how many would like more sex, how many would like to try being with another guy (fresh romance, have fun), does giving/receiving oral sex get them hot, etc. A real comprehensive survey.

    I guess that shows how much I like sexual chat, especially with confident, unafraid women!!
  9. Danny Franks

    Danny Franks Members

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    Forward women could that mean that she asks you out on a date, because this was offered to me she as been very complimentary lately so I have excepted.
  10. waynedunn

    waynedunn Banned

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    I love a forward woman and a confident woman....

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