How common is ass play and anal sex

Discussion in 'Anal Sex' started by zerus, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. zerus

    zerus Members

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    A question for the guys. How many of the women you've slept with in your life were anal sex fans? In this forum it looks like almost every woman enjoys cock in her ass at least once a month. Some even DP.
    In my experience only one of about 30+ women I've slept with enjoyed ass play and anal sex. Well, another one french lady offered to fuck her in ass but at that point I wasn't hard enough after a lot of alcohol and an intense fucking session. Anyway it's only about 6% of women!
  2. 3Legs

    3Legs Members

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    A couple have been OK with touching, and maybe a little fingering. One liked rimming. None yet asked for full anal sex. Maybe hip forums members are more adventurous than most :)
  3. Escierto

    Escierto Members

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    From looking on the internet for statistics and surveys it looks like a third of women have done anal.
  4. anythingonce

    anythingonce You Can Trust Me

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    My wife and I tried it once about 30 years ago. She said never again. Ok by me.
  5. LowHangers

    LowHangers Members

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    I'd say about 50% of the women I've had sex with wanted me to fuck them in the ass. My present wife does not do anal but she enjoys strapping one on and fucking me in the ass.
  6. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    I've had pretty much the same result. I'm not really into anal sex giving or receiving and have only been asked a couple of times to try it. Only once did I and it turned out to be a total mess. Most women want oral on their clitoris, mouth on the nipples, and cock in pussy. Asking for ass play isn't all that common in my experience.
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  8. BoyToy69

    BoyToy69 Members

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    Of all the women I've been with, only 3 have loved it to where they would beg for it. The rest didn't ask, so I didn't bring it up.
  9. trieditall72

    trieditall72 Members

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    My wife enjoys it. Shes the first woman I've ever been with that does. We dont do it very often, but when we do, I can tell she really enjoys it. I think most guys are too rough, which scares women away from it. I think in order for really good sex, anal or vaginal, a man has to know what it feels like to be on the bottom. My wife gets me with her strap on, and she shares me with other guys on occasion. When we have sex alone, I know what feels good for her.
    BoyToy69 likes this.
  10. Paulievcvc

    Paulievcvc Members

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    The only woman who asked me to fuck them in the ass is my wife. Before that I wasn't interested so never asked. Neither my wife or I are into vaginal sex at this point so it is ass fucking all the way for both of us.
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  11. Escierto

    Escierto Members

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    Back when I fucked cisgender women, I loved fucking them in the ass. So tight and the way they squirmed trying to get more cock into their asses, I used to cum like a fire hydrant. Of course now I am on the other end getting fucked like a bitch lol.
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  13. Paulievcvc

    Paulievcvc Members

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    My wife was introduced to anal by the guy she was seeing before me. We were actually married a few years before she asked me. It was actually a gradual thing from there. We would have occasional anal but started to get more frequent over the years. We would be having vaginal and my wife would tell me she wants me in her ass. She cannot cum from vaginal (or anal), but enjoys anal more. My desire for sex with women also decreased. I started wanting cock more.

    About 2/2.5 years ago I told my wife I am gay and just interested in fucking her ass. She was totally fine with that. She has asked me for vaginal a few times since then but she lasts maybe a minute before wanting it in the ass. Easier for me to fantasize about fucking a guy in ass. She knows that is what I am fantasizing about and it is a huge turn on for her. Definitely wouldn't call it a fad but we want to find her another man and see if she enjoys vaginal with him. If not, he better like anal.
    Escierto likes this.
  14. Comic85

    Comic85 Senior Member

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    None of my exes have been fans of it but my wife does let me play with and eat her ass. Occasionally I get to fuck her ass but only usually when she's drunk. My ex was into rimming and we used to go down on each other for hours but she was always too nervous when it came to cock in the ass!
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  16. Toecutter

    Toecutter Senior Member

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    I’ve had some gf’s that would do anal if I asked, but only 2 that have actually asked one being Mrs.TC she will ask every so often when she is super excited.
  17. g65389pon

    g65389pon Members

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    Years ago a fwb told me very early into hooking up that there was only one thing she wouldn’t do, no way no how. Very soon after that I was blowing loads in her ass. I think her saying she wouldn’t do anal was her backwards way of asking for it. She needed no prep and very little lube. I remember we were fucking in my car and I went from her pussy straight to her ass with only her natural lube. I think she loved anal.
    Sandra Miller, BoyToy69 and Escierto like this.
  18. g65389pon

    g65389pon Members

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    Years ago a fwb told me very early into hooking up that there was only one thing she wouldn’t do, no way no how. Very soon after that I was blowing loads in her ass. I think her saying she wouldn’t do anal was her backwards way of asking for it. She needed no prep and very little lube. I remember we were fucking in my car and I went from her pussy straight to her ass with only her natural lube. I think she loved anal.
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  20. Tarp

    Tarp Member

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    None of my girlfriends did but, we were young teens with almost no experience. I married my wife when we were both 18. Been having anal with her for 30 years. It was my idea at first. Now she asks for it. In fact, it's rare that she cums without something in her butt. She loves DP: Me and a toy. We watched some porn the other night where a bunch of chics were having double anal and even triple. She's curious so now wants to try double anal on our next date. I'm good with it!
    BoyToy69 likes this.

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