How bad is occasional Cocaine use?

Discussion in 'Other Drugs' started by LSAndrew, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    Cherry coke with grenadine is good
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  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    When chewed, coca acts as a mild stimulant and suppresses hunger, thirst, pain, and fatigue. It is a boon to some residents of harsh high altitude environments. A native remedy. Absorption of coca from the leaf is less rapid than nasal application of purified forms of the alkaloid and it's effects more gradual and longer lasting.
    The coca leaf, when consumed in its natural form, does not induce a physiological or psychological dependence, nor does abstinence after long-term use produce symptoms typical to substance addiction. Due to its alkaloid content and non-addictive properties, coca has been suggested as a method to help recovering cocaine addicts to wean off the drug.
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  3. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I was originally thinking occasional use it's super bad, depending on the purity/how it's cut....and also if a person doesn't have a preexisting heart condition.

    But I happened to see something yesterday about which drugs (in the u.s.) cause the most visits to the e.r./hospital. I was thinking most likely it would be heroin first-od's and all but actually cocaine/crack was the number one reason for people to take emergency visits to the hospital drugwise.
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  4. questionexist-ing

    questionexist-ing Banned

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    This was super informative actually. I looked up some of the statistics as well and you're right.
    Cheers man xx
  5. happydude_60

    happydude_60 Senior Member

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    This is a very good point. All questions of toxicity aside, this drug (and others) has resulted in 60-70k deaths in Mexico since 2006. Just do a Google search for "cartel videos" and you'll have an idea of how nasty they can get down there. It's unbelievable.
  6. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    i just like to freebase a little bit, maybe like .5 when i'm totally zoomed on some opiates and i want to give the high that little edge or ward off the nod for a minute. but for a drug that's supposed to get you addicted your first time, i've done an awful lot of casual use without so much as doing it again the next day.
  7. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    Nice knowin' ya buddy. lol just kidding.

    idk, on a personal level, I just don't get along with people that partake. Most especially the heavier users. Can't stand em! Every once in a while (judging from experience w others that do or have done it) I guess isn't too bad, but I'm not advocating at all. Personal opinion, I'd stay away from it or anything else that goes up your nose of in your veins.

    I know one guy (who I can't stand... I'd love to punch him in the nose if I ever bump into him again) who did it so much that it ate away all the cartilage in his nose. He can literally press his nose flat against his face.

    Now that I think about it, I guess it might be a better idea to punch him elsewhere :D
  8. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    it's definitely a drug you need to do with other people on coke or no one at all. i have been on the sober side of some coke talk and it gets fucking annoying, but if you're tooting some lines with a mate and you're just gonna jabber at each other, well shit, that's just a brainstorming session
  9. Triptronic

    Triptronic Member

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    honestly this seems extremely accurate and makes me wonder how alcohol use was accepted and integrated into society. i just dont understand.
  10. kyoshima

    kyoshima Members

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    However, using drugs like marijuana or cocaine occasionally can also have negative effects on behavior and overall health.
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  11. driving that train high on cocaine
    casey jones you'd better watch your speed
    trouble ahead trouble behind
    and you know that notion just crossed my mind

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