Im tired.. but cant fall asleep. just chillin, listening to music. feelin alright. just soo tired. And you? How are you? Peace!
I'm good. Not really doing anything today, just sitting here watching cross country skiing at the Olympics. But I realized I'm looking out the window watching it storming more than the tv
Feeling better than two days ago. I went grocery shopping, made tacos for dinner and now I'm paying bills and chilling. Laughing at my daughter because she wants me to get her a new game for the iPad and I said no, so she said to me "if you don't, you're gonna sleep in a black hole".
im good im just trying to past time on hipforums, basicely i dont have much to do. I should clean appt , but no motivation at all. Maybe i should still do it, well it's a big dilem.
Well, i'm actually quite high right now... I feel like a kite :sunny: it's been a mellow sunday.. recovering from the weekend ha.
I am ok....have to still change out a big litter box here and wash that out...and tomorrow is garbage pick up day. Trying to lick some wounds here....Sent a friend a VD card, and this the first year, I got nothing, but a thank you email....for that I am pretty sure this long standing friendship is done....and I feel hurt about it...and burned in many I guess I won't be sending any more cards her way.
I'm listening to awesome podcasts and hanging out with my family (hubs and kids). Feelin' groovy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have a little bit of a headache. I just got home from a hockey game and dinner at the in laws. Nice way to spend my sunday!
I am just fine, thanks for asking. Had lunch with my mom and grandparents this afternoon. Listened to stories from the Korean War that I have heard a thousand times. Heard about various ongoing medical issues. Discussed business strategies with my mom for her business. Traded corny jokes with my grandpa. I was very happy and grateful to have those opportunities because I know that one day I won't be able to do those things. So it was another very nice day.
I'm rather bored at work. I think on average, I only actually do work for maybe half my shift. That leaves a lot of time for pondering. It also makes me quite ravenous.
She is the one who started with the card thing....and got me going. She is the one who 4-5 years ago got me to trust her. Boy she is good. Never met anyone like her before....She will make anyone believe that the moon is made out of green cheese. I awoke to this fact two years, but kept giving her the benefit of the doubt, as I thought how can that can this be? Someone came along and ruined things and she let them....ecaue they wanted to destroy me out of jealousy or whatever the fuck was going on with the bitch who I believe is here now. I am done with this psycho drama horse shit. These bags just better leave me alone. I have given names to the cops here....period...and I am friends with the cops better believe it.
I doubt it. She's actually kind of new to all of this and she's seeing it through the eyes of a to speak. But I think she will do well. It sounds really good right now.
It isn't? I think it's not nice to give, expecting to get something back. After all, it's just a card. People are way too dramatic.