How American Medicine Squashes Criticism

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Eleven, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    I've figured out something! Medicine, and law, are akin to cults, in that they brainwash their members and do not tolerate criticism. For instance:

    I once complained to the board of podiatry about a podiatrist (foot doctor). A couple years later, I went to another podiatrist, and naive me, I mentioned the first podiatrist's name. Lo and behold, days later, I got a call from the podiatrist's receptionist, who told me the poor podiatrist was just soooo overbooked, they had decided to not take me on as a new patient.

    Then, there was the crazy psychiatrist. I slipped and mentioned that years before, I had complained to the medical society about another psychiatrist. Boy, did he take revenge on me! He put outright lies in his diagnosis, so that my claim for benifits would be denied.

    Then, there are attorneys. Years ago, I went to a pair of attorneys. One actually lied to me so that he could finagle more money out of the case. His partner was so bad, I reminded him that nowadays, people review lawyers online. (Actually,I refrained from reviewing the pair of incompetents.) Years later, I went to a new lawyer about the case. He was cheerful and talked as if he'd take my case on. I couldn't avoid mentioning the names of the first 2 incompetents. Lo and behold, a week later I got a letter wishing me well and informing me he had decided NOT to take my case on.

    The moral of this story? I'm convinced that these varius "professionals" hold a belief that normal people never have a legitimate complaint, and that only troublemakers file complaints. Further, I believe that after you leave the first time, they check with the previous "professional", and conclude you are a "troublemaker".

    Their way of thinking does 2 things:

    It discourages people from complaining, and it reveals they hold the delusional belief that they and their kind are so superior, no one ever has reason to complain.

    As George Bernard Shaw wrote: All the professions are conspiracies against the laiety.
  2. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Perhaps, but you also have to sleep in the bed you make.
  3. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Are doctors and lawyers not acting just like cops? Is a person who complains about an abusive cop deserving of grief from the rest of the department?
  4. NurseSteve

    NurseSteve Member

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    Why even tell an attorney that you saw one previously. Your looking for trouble. Same with physicains, if your problem is not related to the previous one, just leave it alone.
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, it is true that most professions watch out for each other...but if you are complaining about another doctor or lawyer to whatever new one you visit...they would probably feel you would do the same to welll some day down the line....
    see how that works....

    at any rate....there are some good doctors out just have to find them.......and when you do don;t ever let them go.....They are rare and far between......

    Lawyers can be a nasty brother being the exception to the rule, of
    1 person likes this.
  6. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    People will figure out the game and then it will finally get interesting again
  7. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    True, but often one cannot avoid it. Sometimes, it is essential information. Sometimes, it's just in the records.
  8. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    With numerous sites allowing one to review physicians & lawyers, it has become easier to complain and to let others know how a "professional" treats people.
    Were I a new doctor starting out today, attempting to start a practice and repay my student loans, I'd be very, very respectful of patients. Perhaps we will see a drastic reduction in the numbers of arrogant, patronizing, dishonest, and rude physicians! Check this out:
  9. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Have you ever heard of a Lawyer being disbarred? or the subject of a lawsuit?
  10. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Actually in reality people are less able to pursue and get compensation and there are companies that help you sue people who ho give you bad reviews online. It's a big topic
  11. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    I've heard some physicians give new patients a form to sign which says the patient promises never to review the doctor, online. I also heard such forms will not stand up in court, as no one can take away your right to free speech.

    In addition, I've heard one should always state that one's review is one's "opinion". Which we all are entitled to.
  12. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Nobody claims that these groups aren't corrupt. Just avoid professionals, they make more money because they are superior. Live in the backwoods off of crime and the land.
  13. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I would have to know more about the nature of your complaints to make a judgement call. My experience working with the public has taught me some people like to complain and do so often. Its fairly easy on a professional level to tell if someone is a complainer by nature or if they have a legitimate concern.
  14. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Following is a site that allows one to not only review all sorts of doctors and hospitals, but also allows one to search for and compare them. (BTW, about the alleged "superiority" of physicians: When there was a sperm bank in Escondido, California known as "The Nobel Prize Winner Sperm Bank", it regarded sperm from mere physicians as not desirable. That's funny. What an ego buster for the bad doctors of the world!)

  15. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Online reviews should do to doctors what the video camera has done to cops.

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