
Discussion in 'Communal Living' started by Duncan, May 22, 2004.

  1. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't live in a commune. I have lived on my own for 15 years, but when I bought my little bungalow two years ago I had to take someone in to help me with the expenses. He's not as timely as I'd want him to be so I've taken on a second person. I'm hoping the paying schedule is better.
    It's a bit frightening living with people after being alone for so long. Just making a statement... nothing else :)
  2. Casperthesheet

    Casperthesheet Member

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    Living with people is one of the greatest things I have had in my life. After a while we usually become like a little family. It's quite the experiance. I have been out on my own since I have been 16 and I've only lived on my own for about 3 months. I hated it. I need people in my life or else I go crazy. Right now I have 4 roommates and I love each one very much.

  3. beachbum7

    beachbum7 Lookin' for any fun

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    I've never lived on my own, so living with other people has becoming natural. I've had some good experiences with housemates, and not so great experiences with housemates. But I don't see myself living on my own anytime soon (And I would give serious thought to living in a commune).
  4. willpower

    willpower Member

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    i know that often times people say they would live in a commune but feel as if at some point it would become a bit clostrophobic.... here's a thought.... we are forming a community that is not focussed on the financial requirements... but instead a community based on love and respect... it is not to co-exist but instead to live we hear are a family... and i am able to have my own space whenever i want it... but i usually choose to be with the other members of the this family..... i would like to invite anyone who has a desire to become a part of a family inclusive of individual respect... give alittle give alot your choice... you need nothing to visit or live with us but a good heart the post by crypto-man on dhammic socialism and you will see how i feel about life... and yes crypto-man is my brother!

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