I'll be going to Dam in feb or march, I have alm,ost everything planned...... The rest I need help from U guys ....... Let's start with a hotel.... Anyone know a cheap motel within a 3-5 mile radius of The Grey Area and Amnesia? I'm trying to figure out if I can afford to go and need a little help on hotel/motel afordability. All I require is a bed and a TV in a room I can somke (Both) in. I hope to spend no more than 50-60 a night or am I just dreaming? Thanks in advance, FZ
hotel Abba on Overtoom €30 for a singel abbabudgethotel.com I alwys stay in number 9 got a nice Balconey to smoke and there's a grocery store on the first floor Later Man OHD
I had thought about it but only 3 things wrong..... 1. Need that Good old boob tube in my room 2. Need a room where I can safely store my collected goodies 3. Need a room I can smoke in. Besides the fact that I'm 38 and am too old for a hostle Thanks for the reply tho
NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!!!!!!!! How far is that from GA and Amnisia? Thanks for the reply!!!!!
they got lock boxes in the lobbie where ya can lock up your stuff €10 deposit for a key take the number tram that stops right in front of the hotel to dam stop and walk west to Singel for GA and Amnesia is around the corner Later Man OHD
OK....last questions...I hope...lol Does Abba let U smoke in your room?, TV in the room?, & is there a cerfew?
well, i'm 21 and I want all of the same things. Which is why I haven't reserved a hostel/hotel yet. If find something like that for a decent price, please let us know. Also, I'd like a place without a curfew.