
Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Jimbee68, Oct 14, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    With homeopathic cures, they use the idea like cures like. Snake venom for example, if snake venom poisoning causes similar symptoms. But one guy I saw on TV in the 80's said, don't worry though. He said they take a drop of snake venom and put it in a swimming pool of water. And then take a drop of that in another swimming pool of water. Me, I'd call that water.

    But it's very expensive water. They want a lot for their cures. But it's been around for a long time and people want it as an alternative. And the agencies like the FDA can't deny the cures are at least safe.

    But safe I don't know. You're spending good money on useless cures. You're wasting time doing that, while you could be investigating symptoms to a potentially serious problem. You're delaying things like chemotherapy, because you think homeopathy will cure you. I wouldn't call that safe.

    You want water? I've got water, if you just want that.

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