Homelessness..not just for Katrina victims

Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by squawkers7, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    [​IMG] Homelessness can happen to anyone...
    Homelessness can happen to anyone! All it takes is a serious turn of events in one's life; a death in the family; divorce; escaping abusive homes; lack of income due to unemployment; a house fire or losing a home due to natural disaster; substance abuse or illness.
    I never thought it would happen to me, but it did....even I have lived in a homeless shelter (about 8 yrs ago while pregnant with youngest kid).

    Why does it seem like millions of people only care if the reason you became homeless was because of a hurricane?
  2. Bored

    Bored Member

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    I am intrested in your story though. How did you get out of homelessness? And why did you get in there in the first place?
  3. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    08-22-2005, 11:54 AM #15

    Join Date: May 2004
    Location: Chicago's Affluent Western Suburbs
    Posts: 657


    President Bush II is a great man and deserves as long of a vacation as he wants ~~ and for all those protester cunts,,,, i'd just like to remind them that we have a volunteer army -- nobody was drafted, anybody serving,, and anybody killed, signed up for the shit they marched into
    guess it was ok that he was still on vacation AFTER the hurricane had already hit Florida & Louisiana & Mississippi
  4. jesikhaviolet

    jesikhaviolet Member

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    meh. i've been homeless loads of times
  5. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    i dont think it is only when a hurricane hits that ppl care,,, ya just see the amountof homelessness in such mass quantities when a hurricane hits n therefore more ppl take action,,, n the katrina thing,,,, ya just not got yaself a clue yet eh?????
  6. RxHEAD

    RxHEAD Member

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    I was homeless for 2-years back around the turn of the Century. It changes a person. I will never think, feel, or trust the same as I once did. I am mentally disabled and ended up on the streets. No one really cared. The Rescue Mission forces you to go to church 3-days a week, pay $7/day rent and no alcohol or drugs in your system or out for 30-days.

    Being homeless was a trip for me. I had a rented room in a basement of this 'boarding house' a.k.a an old run down house where desperate people paid this greedy woman for there little unheated rooms in which I had one and lived hand to mouth paid out 3/4 of my Social Security check to her each month. I lived like an animal, to survive.

    I now feel like if anyone has ever been a 'street person' or homeless and got pulled up outta the streets and make it the #1 fear for me is losing my apartment and being homeless again.
  7. feministhippy

    feministhippy Member

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    Well, I'm glad I never went thru with my plans to run away when I was 14...

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