Home vid

Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by Muscle750, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Muscle750

    Muscle750 Guest

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    Whose made a home vid ? And have you regretted it or seen one like we did when we went babysitting and my OH wanted to watch a film and found one in the DVD player needless to say he had a watch...... Perv
  2. nakedrhode

    nakedrhode Member

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    I have only problem is its on video not digital so cant put it on my pc and share.
  3. maoy02

    maoy02 Member

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    We made a few home videos, nothing fancy, just a camcorder on a tripod recording while we went at it. It's in 1080p, so very watchable. I keep them on a separate portable HD in a hidden folder, so no chance of being "accidentally" discovered by anyone.

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