Ok U Know How The Cicadas Are Out Now In Certain States?!?!?! Well They R Here In Virginia And I Hate Them They Scare The Shit Out Of Me And Just Like 10 Minutes Ago My Cat Walked Into My Room And I Heard A Buzzing Sound Coming From Inside Her Mouth And She Opened It Up And A Fuking Cicada Like Flew Out Of Her Mouth Like In The Mummy Movie Were The Fuking Bugs Fly Outa The Mummies Mouth And Attack I Fuking Ran Outa My Room And Hid In The Closet And I Just Came Back And Saw The Ded Cicada With My Cat Hitting It With Her Paw I Hugged My Cat And Said Thank U I Fuking Hate Cicadas!!!!!
I have seen them around a few days now but then today it made noises and it is fucking loud!!!!!!!!!!
ive never heard of em either... but, i reckon, theyre smaller than you, and ya could crush em... and that poor little bastard lost his life... so im think theres no need for you to be hidin from em. i like insects, find em fasinating.
That's pretty freaky, what happened to you... My mom's side of the family lives in the south of france, and there are cicadas like EVERYWHERE... They make a really beautiful noise, you especially notice it in the evening as the sun is setting... to be honest, I love cicadas, they're like crickets! They're actually quite zen.... But like any other insect, they get kinda eerie and gross after a while... to be honest I wouldn't want a bunch of them running around my home...
I would'nt worry about them. After they find a "host body" they aren't much trouble.... Unless "you" are the host body...Then you're fucked.
Ok, can someone explain to us, that do not know what they are..exactly what they are, like say a picture or something? and yes, the cat thing was hilarious
their little insect things that only come out once every 27 years or something like that... hey i didnt know they were in virginia, are they all over down here??
hmm kinda sounds like something out of a Stephen King movie such as "IT" since it wakes up every 30 years hehe
ci·ca·da ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s-kd, -kä-) n. pl. ci·ca·das or ci·ca·dae (-d) Any of various insects of the family Cicadidae, having a broad head, membranous wings, and in the male a pair of resonating organs that produce a characteristic high-pitched, droning sound. Also called cicala. ------------- I LOVE THE CICADAS!!! they remind me of summer as a child. when i was little i loved to go around and collect their "shells" that they leave behind when shedding their skin and becoming full-grown. i used to find hundreds of cicada shells in my yard. shed skin: fully grown: yes!! they rock!! look how weird they are....
they r fuking anooying bugs the size of a big ass honey bee and they come out every 17 years and the live the last few weeks of their lives above ground, they r everywhere and they make this constent annoying high pitch sound that is non stop http://www.hipforums.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1254&stc=1
Grasshoppers scare the freaking bejeezus out of me. I'd shit my pants if I saw a cicada. I feel sorry for you guys.
oh my GODDDD ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! The pictures honestly made my heart rate fly lol.....i can't stand grasshoppers or CICADAS!!! I know what they are now, and they're annoying, disgusting and creeppyyyysdfi ugsio;ugfauisdh im getting the willies in my butt just thinking about any of the above!! I HATE BUGS!!!d[oshopuisdgui;ash