I found a vet around here who is number 3 top vet in the country...already, i like her and have faith in her... For starters, she does not believe in front line and all of those products...She believes in a spray made with lavender oil, dish washing detergent and water to keep ticks and fleas away..... i want to get her for Minxy and her stomatitis.... She is $600.00 though, for new patient, though, and consultation.......She is in high demand. I said to Stan...you wannna pay that or more than 1 k at the end trying to save her life?...if there is any hope at all. as stomatitis does not usually have a happy ending..... I am pushing for Minxy, at least with this new vet. Things cost MONEY! Like it or not. I hate it, too.
HOLISTIC!!!!! Cured me of lyme's with top ASIAN doctor and EASTERN medicine....no drugs....no conventional methods...WTF is wrong with this country?...remedies that are store bought...NO! I was on Western medicine for that for almost a year first...that was ruining my health even more. NO MONEY IN THOSE, AFTERALL! This shit sucks....medical practices in this country SUCK! BUT INSURANCE DOES NOT COVER EASTERN.......
ALSO.... this vet does not believe in all of the vaccinations that my vet gives..for everything under the sun. i knew ...just kenw that was wrong.......I knew just knew frontline and all of those products was wrong....I knew It! SAVE MONEY IN THE LONG RUN!
Honestly I know it's hard to let a pet go but with stomatitis it's going to be a long painful battle that your pet will just suffer through. Thousands of dollars just to watch her suffer longer doesn't sound right to me. On the other hand, this vet sounds amazing and like the person to go with for all your future pet needs.
Yeah, which is why I want Minxy to see her.....I am not going through shots every other month to ruin her kidneys and give her other problems....if there is any hope at all, this vet will know it, and will be honest about things, too.
I stopped giving my dog flea treatments this year and started using dish detergent and essential oils. I haven't seen a flea on her. I also switched her diet to an all natural dog food made with meat instead of grain. She stopped throwing up regularly and her coat looks beautiful. moonglow how did you cure your Lyme disease?
Eastern medicine, Meliai........natural herbs and acupuncture.......doctor from China.....with high credentials...master intelligence.......high references like Dr. Weil...a friend of his. That type of treatment is not covered by US insurance, though, but it is the only thing that worked for me...... He is doing breakthrough treatments for all kinds of things.
I think I have a semi answer...i will try to hook Minxy up with this holistic doctor and one pug...that way I can learn about what is good for all the cats here and all of the pugs. the question would be which pug, though....Maybe Einstein, since he seems to be growing warts like his dad did. He has one on his face hanging down...my vet said an operation and then he would have to wear a collar...that would never work here....so maybe i will try to get Einstein with her, too.....
Sounds weird. My dog just needs one more shot and then he's done with them. Actually doing it on Saturday. I never believe anything a vet tells me. They told me late last year my dog had mild hip displacia and needed advanced spinal surgery. They recommended this for a dog that hadn't even finished growing. Every Shepherd has a mild hip displacia problem and it means jack shit, but they just wanted to fix a problem that most likely could have been fixed itself if they met my boy finish growing and maturing. Naturally I never went through with it, they're idiots. They also want to desex my boy when I've consistently told them that he can't show without his balls still i get reminders every second week in the mail. A lot of the problem is top notch vets were run by good people and the younger generation passes a few classroom tests and buy the business and then they think they know what they're doin. I won't even see a person under 50 years old now. So much of what people do is completely unnecessary.