hmmm...think like a man, think like a woman

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by Jedi, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. Maggie Sugar

    Maggie Sugar Senior Member

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    Yes, that is what I said. Some thought it was funny, some did not. I am wondering, if it was "just" a joke, why it was posted here, where it is well known that discussion and debate will take place occurs with most posts. Hey, Jedi, you had the RIGHT to, (I don't care, and won't object to that) buy WHY did you choose the Women's Issues Forum for this joke?

    Methinks you wanted the responses you got, no?
  2. Maggie Sugar

    Maggie Sugar Senior Member

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    You are right, the joke was DOUBLY insulting. Agreed. Most men don''t act like this. I am surprised no one brought this up before. "Hey, I would never treat a womyn like that!" I am glad you brought that up. (I can't imagine Bear refusing to spend money because I did feel like it that morning. Good men and womyn don't use sex as a weapon or the lack of it as a punishment.)

    And my discussion of what you refer to as "PC" was far from defensive. The issues that some term "PC" were put in place as a way to stop racism, sexism, ageism, ect. Bringing up the problems with people calling "PC" every time they are called on for being racist, sexist, or ageist is not defensive at all. It irks me that people scream "PC police" when they are called on the carpet for being offensive. That's all.
  3. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    you didnt answer my question.

    For this joke to be sexist, one sex has to be shown in a better light. Is it worse to not like sex and be a shopaholic, or to be a sex fiend, vindictive and controlling?
  4. lawngirl

    lawngirl Member

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    i've been reading this thread, so appologies for just jumping in here.

    in order for a joke to be sexist, one sex DOES NOT have to be shown in a better light, necessarily. yes, saying one gender is better than the other is part of sexism... but that is not the entire picture.

    sexism also includes stereotypes... for example, you can say that womyn are manipulative, sex-hating, shopoholics and you can say men are sex fiends and vindictive... that's not saying ones "better" than the other; it's applying harshly negative stereotypes to both. negative sexist remarks about both men and womyn don't cancel each other out... they perpetuate those negative ideals against both.

    if someone says, "latinas are stupid," that's racist.. you don't have to say, "latinas are stupid, and blacks are far more intelligent," to make one look better than the other... as long as you're putting someone down for their sex, gender, race, class, whatever, it's wrong.
  5. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    ooh, good response

    Now this begs the question about where comedy fits in. Do we lose all ability to joke about people because we might offend someone? There is an important aspect we are forgetting, the intent of the speaker. There is an intent to HARM when you say "latinas are stupid." You can say that someone can "joke" about calling a black guy the n word, but the "joke" is an intent to harm. The joke that started this furor had no intent to harm, it is merely a satire on gender roles. The intent is to evoke laughter, not to stir rage and hatred. You can't compare this to calling "latinas stupid" or "black people N*ggers." It is just dishonest to compare the two.

    What is left of comedy if we remove anything that could be construed as offensive? Why did the chicken cross the road jokes? Knock Knock jokes? People have been trained to scream foul when even the most INNOCENT of jokes are uttered. Look at this thread for ample evidence.

    And of course you dont need to add "blacks are more intelligent" to "latinas are stupid" to make it racist. It is implicit that when you say "latinas are stupid" that 'blacks/whites/asians/aliens/dogs/whatever are more intelligent"
  6. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    well it is now not just a joke... but I had nothing to do with it. :D
  7. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    thats true, the intentions of a joke are not to provoke hate or anger, they are to just make us laugh, many women said this was funny too, now i don't know but that does not sound like a sexist joke if both parties find it funny...
  8. ArtistofPeace

    ArtistofPeace Senior Member

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    if the joke was about a hispanic man who piled 38 cousins into this toyota and then ate chimichangas while not paying his taxes, then yeah, that'd be racist. just like a joke that talks about a woman who doesn't want sex and wants her husband to buy her stuff is sexist.[/QUOTE]

    Hahaha...that sounds hilarious...

    Anyway, about this all need to get the fuck over yourselves. Since when did a joke have to endure such analysis? It's a fucking it or dislike it...get it or don't get it. It's a JOKE. You all sound ridiculous, like you're a bunch of tightasses sitting around going "well, a joke, by definition, is...blah blah..." Omg, get over it. I don't see the sexism in this particular joke that was posted. Yeah, it plays on stereotypes, but who the fuck cares. I know I don't fit into that stereotype...but some women do, just like some men fit into stereotypes and some don't. God, I fucking hate this PC shit. When did life get so damn serious? Lighten up!
  9. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    oh good gracious, everyone's in an uproar...

    the only reason why myself and others posted that we didn't like this joke was because this is a forum where you share opinions. I said I didn't find it humorous, and why I didn't find it humorous, and that's that. It doesn't mean you can't find it funny, it just means that I don't, and neither do the others who have posted saying essentially the same thing. We need to get over ourselves? Yes, but so do you guys. It's not that big a deal! It's just an opinion for crying out loud.

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