ok i've never seen this before, but i feel its definately more than worth everyones attention! http://webpages.charter.net/redemption/banana/
haha, who would have thaught that the badger could get better. How did somebody think of adding a bannaphone?
they arwe jsut really cool.. thats how they thought of it...i should like a banana phone then i can call you powered by banana elelctricity and sponsered by .com
uch... i was going to post this last week but couldn't cos the forums were down... you should all see the cartoon that spwned that...and the new legend of bananaphone...me and bruce have agreed...it may well be the new badgers http://thefucksociety.com/anim.php?id=bananaphone&w=550&h=400 it will probably take a while to load...but it's well worth waiting for...
Hahaha, I was listening to the Banana phone song this morning But yeah, the cartoon is sooooo much better than the creepy badgers!