His is distant is it because he feels that I am "too good" for him?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by RoxyChick, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. RoxyChick

    RoxyChick Guest

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    Been friends with this guy for a short time, and he asked me out a lot and I rejected (it's a long story) but I had a reasonable explanation. I felt that we became closer cause he told his problems all the time. I noticed he self deprecated a lot, he would say he is a piece of sh*t and a bad guy, etc. I tried to convince him that he is not any of that, cause he felt so low about himself. I felt that our bond was stronger, and closer, but then he would ask me out, and then back out. He has a tough, open, exterior. He is the bold type. I was willing to date him since the drama that circled him was over. But then he layed it on me that he liked another girl, and I was crushed. He became distant though before this girl. He would barely call or text me, when he called me all the time. Then he started to become really distant. I am hurt, but then I found out behind my back he said to my guy friend that "Kelly is way too hot for Jake" "She is way too good for him" He didn't want my friend to set me up with this guy Jake. My friend said he was very angry and jealous, clearly.

    That is the first I have ever heard a compliment from him! Why does he care who I date if he likes some other girl? He was saying "Don't set her up with Jake, she is way too good for him"

    My question is though if a guy feels like he is too inadequate will he just distance himself from the girl? Like if he feels that the girl is "too good" for him? Cause like I said he feels very low about himself, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but my friend said he had a strong reaction, but yet he hasn't talked to me. Now what's funny is that he likes every picture of mine on Facebook and recently I put new pics and he liked them, but again he won't talk to me. So I wonder if it's because he feels that maybe I am stringing him along or if I am "too good" for him. ANy thoughts? Thank you! Much appreciated for answering!!! [​IMG]
  2. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Who knows.

    But don't get tunnel vision about this, perhaps he does know something about Jake that you don't and his assertions are totally valid. (like maybe he has inside information that Jake is a huge player)

    But regardless he's a bit controlling as a friend, and he has personal issues that need to be worked out. Leave him be and let him come to you on his own terms.

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