Does anyone have the urge to do the old hippy trail from the UK to Goa in a painted bus through Europe. Just drop everything and go........
I'm ready! As soon as I get the vaccine I'll drive! You have a bus? Some treacherous territory along the way...I might need to bring protection.
I don't have a bus, however im very serious. Surely out there a person of the same mind will come forward offer up a bus, come along and off we go. Just petrol money. We can work for food along the way.
i have done the overland trip Belgium-India twice in the 70's...i wonder now what Iran-Afghanisthan will bring you regarding rules of entry etc...good luck
My plan would be to miss them out. Straight across Europe to Kazakhstan then turn down. Simple. Into Nepal then India.
Well stranger things have happened, it takes a lot of determination and sometimes a deep pocket full of cash to make one's dreams come true.
From what I know of GOA, it's the psy-trance... They had their own brand of trance music called Goa no less. Goa trance... let me put a video... I YouTube searched for "Goa" and this was the third video after some travel stuff. So that's what I know of Goa. It's an island, right? Off of India. I posted some photos of it when we had a beach thread. THere's something really special about India's brand of spirituality. They're just infamous! Truly blessed and enlightened. Rich with color, them...