Do you do volunteer work? Any idea what hippie volunteer work there might be these days? I've done hospice volunteering and also provided 1:1 buddy support for clients at an AIDS program in California. Ideas? Suggestions?
Wavy Gravy is famous for working with kids in particular, hospitals, and the homeless. Home - Wavy Gravy
I volunteered at a venue so long, I landed a job there. I’ve been crew at festivals. I now donate time in smaller pockets.
Back in the day, volunteer firefighter, EMT, & wilderness SAR tech. Hospice volunteer. Food co-op. Would like to do the local food pantry or a local Habitat for Humanity analog, but I'm disabled, and the full-time carer for my mate.
I was a founding volunteer member of a neighbourhood advice/law centre (one of six) for more than 20 years. When, after losing local authority funding the Law Centre closed, whatever case-work I was personally working on at the time, I took back from the Law Centre and continued to work on them from home. From 1995 until 2017 I continued to give advice and provide representation to anyone who sought such advice. I never advertised my services, it was unnecessary as for the next 22 tears word-of-mouth worked very well.