R there anymore love ins/ hippie meetup anymore? Like the love ins at Griffith park in the late 60s? I am new to the forums and from southern California near thousand oaks. Anyone know what's popping lol? Where the meetups???
Hi, Yes I'm out in Joshua Tree area. It's the 50th anniversary of the first Human-Be In, the first Love-ins, and the summer of love. I am working on creating a great big camp in love in with new and old faces coming together for a forever gathering with all of the good old classic rock, Folk, and Blues. Stay turned to this space for new info. OK?
I live in Los Angeles and haven't looked for any hippie MeetUps per se. I have found vegans, vegetarians, gays, Wiccans, and singles. Maybe you should consider starting a meet up for those needs.
Being from (Rainy) "Manchester, England,England = across the Atlantic Sea" - A lot of the 'Hippie' get together's have mooted into Pagan camps - (still) witch = Nice