I'm interested in knowing about hippie or hippie-related gatherings in the Southwestern US. I've been active in an underground psytrance scene for the past four years, and that's been great. I've (re)learned to dance, met a lot of good people, and had some wonderful psychedelic experiences. I'm actually thinking of something not as loud. I know the psychedelic nature of psytrance, but sometimes it's like the DJ's trip is being kind of forced on me - so I go away from the music. And I'm also not drawn to big rowdy festivals. Sonic Bloom is about as big as I can stand. Rainbow had too much down and outness and the police presence was oppressive to me. I guess what I'm looking for are small psychedelic hippie gatherings, like forest psytrance, but easier on the ear. NM, Norcal, CO, TX. Any guidance? :sunny: