hippie community in Canada?

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by Simonthepeacefull, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Simonthepeacefull

    Simonthepeacefull Guest

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    Hi everyone, i hope you are all fine
    first, i dont know if i posted this thread in the good section.
    two, i want to know if there is any hippie community in Canada,
    if so, where, and how i can contact them

    thank you to all,
  2. kemp

    kemp Members

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    Where are you from in Canada? I'm near vancouver.
  3. siri888

    siri888 Members

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    If you live in BC Canada, a lot of the smaller islands (gulf islands) on the coast have hippie communities that are particularly strong in the summer. Most of them being fairly young. Cortes island is a great place to visit, you will meet lot's of tubular people. I'm not really sure how to contact them besides just visiting them. There is also lot's of hiking and other outdoor activities to do on all the islands as well. Connect with nature. :)
  4. Rhydwyn the Green

    Rhydwyn the Green Members

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    Hi Simon
    i am trying to build a new commune/ eco-village ( like Findhorn) in the Thunder bay, Ontario . I think it is a perfect place for a New age community. I has a fairly good climate without major problems like earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanoes plus i has a thriving arts d music community plus a varied spiritual and cultural background once called the Hinge of a Nation (it opened up all of western Canada) How can you go wrong being on the largest freshwater lake in the world on top of the oldest rock in the world in the shadow of a Sleeping Giant. A native holy area in the Canadian Shield at the crossroads of 4 major weather and flora regions of North America where you can find anything from Arctic to desert plants with its own Tibetan Buddhist Group a Theravadan Buddhist retreat a Mosque a Hindu temple (small) a Friendship garden with people from all over the world. and so much more
    as for me Ia ma helicopter mechanic,. avionics tech,. architectural technologist who designs log homes and sustainable homes and communities. i am also a herbalist, yoga teacher and massage therapist and i can cook food from almost any cukture in the world I grow everything from Figs trees to Jerusalem Artichokes and Wild Ginger.
    i have cured skin cancer, and other "incurable diseases. i am a psychic and card reader plus A singer and an artist; so if you think you might want to join this gang of merry humans in a new adventure into the real New World Order in NWO (North Western Ontario). Contact me. oh and I am a gay Christian Druid conceived in Aquarius and born a Virgo to a Virgo (Virgin ) named Mary and a Man named Joseph (all true but very funny as well) I AM NOT A CULT LEADER AND I AM NOT JESUS CHRIST but who i really am may surprise you as much as who you are.
    Rhydwyn the Green

    if that isn't odd enough, if i had taken my mother's last name instead of my father's i really would be called Ronald MacDonald; the Bruce that is.

    and it goes on and on in truth
  5. Space_Trippin

    Space_Trippin Banned

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    I'm an old hippie from Lakeview Ontario..... I missed the cool time cause age but I be a hippie 1973-77 long hair drug abuser it fit... BUT I was so fried I wishded I was 3 years older but not realy I was a more a freak than I was a hippie... I had the longest hair in my HS I use to exhale my last toke into a couple teachers at the door as I crawl in late. um ....

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