I am sick of hateful white people, namely cis-gendered white males taking over this site. It's pure white privilege that they can come here and support Trump. It needs to stop.
I need to come clean and tell you guys something very important: I am a vegan SJW pansexual. White guys who support Hillary are cucks, so they are OK, but only temporarily. Once the SJWs achieve real power, they, too, will have to be eliminated. Patriarchy cannot stand. It's pure hatred. Hatred, I tell you.
They need to be educated about their inherent privilege. That education can only take place in a space where a single, correct narrative created by non-privileged persons goes unchallenged.
That's a good idea. HF should also have every post reviewed for trigger warnings and microagressions before being posted up.
I concur conservative white heterosexual males have recently turned this safe haven of beatniks, hop heads, and LGBTQ’s into their own playground to spread hate and fear - it must end now Hotwater
Your right there! I was long gone, you brought me back...lol Omg! I still don't understand it though....t g
Yeah, us white English Canadians are SO privileged, we gave all our good jobs to the french, natives and blacks. Easy sailing from here on boys, easy sailing... *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP* Oh more refugees? Come on in, we'll make jobs just for you too... Rape Games? No problem, here's some white virgins, *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP*
Sites that are less restrictive, that welcome the generation of content, can mean more hits due to who knows what kinds of searches people do online. More hitting up this site can mean more may join it, and make for even more content generation. Growth is usually the key to advance in the message board game.