I posted this in the Events & Festivals forum again, just like I did last time, so I have to post twice. I annoy myself. I just keep forgetting that this is the best place for this. I put up this contest a while ago and only got one entry, although lots of folks said they were interested and got my hopes up. I thought I'd give it one more shot, because I think it could be really cool. We will all vote on which one to use after I get enough in (if I ever do). Anyway, if you didn't read it before, I thought we should all enter simple designs for an unofficial logo that we could all wear to shows so we could find each other. It needs to be easy to recognize, but not too hard to make, since it will be up to each individual to make a patch or t-shirt or something to wear and not all of us are very crafty. Also, I would like for the designs to be easily personalized for each person without making it unrecognizable, and detailed designs are hard to make your own. Email me any entries, if anyone ever does it. We can all vote after I get enough in. I want to have it done by Bonnaroo, so we can see if it actually works or not. My email address is JohnnyCashRocks@comcast.net. Please help out guys! It will make me even HappyHaHa-er! Thank you! Do something!
SUCH a good idea...wow man...if I only were good at making logos... I really hope people go along with this.
I never seen the first post but...... What do you want a picture type logo the can be drawn onto things or a 3D design to make a sort of pin out of fimo what. I am pretty good at the sort of thing if you give me some idea what you want. I have designed a few logos for places I have worked before. If I make it on the computer it can be posted and copied by any and eveyone (that is if it wins of course). I live in the Uk at the minute but I will be moving back to Canada soon so I might even get a chance of seeing it somewhere there. Love & Laughter EnonEmouse
enonemouse... I would vote that you go for it...I was one of those excited about it, but with very little artistic talent (and little time) couldn't come up with anything. maybe "happy" will give you an idea of what she is "seeing", I think it should incorporate "peace", "unity", etc. if we could copy it from here and print it we could maybe have it before our memorial day festivals....no pressure here from me so stop reading this and start creating!!!!!!! peace!
I was thinking something sort of simple that people could make into a patch or a shirt or an arm band or something. The most important thing is that it's easily recognizable.These are from Kelly, the only person that sent any in....thanks!
Ok Out of hospital now will give it a try. I feel it needs to be colourful and if you use fabric pens or print out on iron on paper or use the image maker stuff stuff it should be ok. I will get on with it and see what I can come up with. So if I have it right you want HipForums on it and some funk hippy style logo. Love & Thinking EnonEmouse
It can say Hipforums or have a H on it...it doesn't matter. All that matters is that it's easy to recognize in a crowd. Thanks!
I hurt my back! Here is the first draft. I took the colors from the forum but they can always be changed. Fairly simple so should be easy for everyone to do. Sorry it isn't the greatest but I am on a lot of drugs at the minute so I am a bit shaky. Love & Laughter EnonEmouse
That's cool! I'm trying to do one myself to put up. I'm computer stupid, though, so it might take a while. Or I might just draw it.
Hey yall Been thinking about this and I'm not very creative, but I was thinking maybe like a purple arm band with a big black H on it, cause if it was me I'd prolly recognize that in a crowd... I'm planning to work the H in beads cause I have nothing else, but, I dunno. hope that helps?
Yeah...I'll probably make an arm band. I really just wanted a design that you could put on anything, like a shirt or a skirt or your forehead... If you make the armband, I really want to see it. Beading it is a great idea.
Ok, keeping in mind that we want this easy to draw by hand, I made this up in paint. I think it looks good both with color and without much color.
That looks good! This is what I came up with. It's a combination of the heiroglyph "shen" and a peace sign.... Shen was like a loop of rope with no beginning or end, a symbol of eternity...it's also a symbol of protection. I thought that, combined with the peace sign, it became a perfect representation of all of us here on the forums..... Is that cheesy? Anyway....it's all I could come up with..... here:
Wonderful idea! And I love how everyone's entries are unique but simplified, because I cannot draw to save my life. lol
Thanks! Anyway...if any one else is going to put one up, try to do it by Monday so that I can get them all together and we can vote! Yaaaay!