Oscar here making my first thread and post. Not new to forums but I am new to this forum. Mainly I am an ex-head who is currently on a maintenance program and struggling. Lost a leg not long back, and exploring new ways to cope mentally and physically. Hard work and exercise can't be beat when facing this type of challenge, but I need to take a break from this ole' noggin of mine sometimes. Right? Thanks for letting me introduce myself. Looking forward to meeting you all here in the pages of The HIP forums.
Hi Oscar, welcome to the Hipforums. I hope we can amuse, inform and distract you from your physical situation.
You might look into Recovery Dharma. Instead of (or as an adjunct to) 12 Step programs, they apply Buddhist practices and principles to address addictions (and other suffering arising from our clinging and aversions). Lots of meetings available on Zoom.