This place has been around a while. An old Wiki article (which seems to have disappeared from Wiki) says it started in 1998. It might be even earlier than that. hipforums on wikipedia! - Random Thoughts - Hip Forums Is HF considering any plans for a 20th anniversary occasion? Anyone been on here since the start?
Actually, I believe it's 1996 when Hippyland, which later became Hipforums, was launched. I have been coming to this site in it's various incarnations since 1999. I don't see the point in any anniversary because the majority of people who post here now have only been coming here for a few years. Only a handful of people have been here for more than 10 years.
it was around 98 or 99 that i stumbled on this place. for some reason i was having a nostelgia attack about woodstock, which i never went to because i was in the air force to avoid being drafted into the army. actually i don't think a tyc twenty year celebration would be a bad idea, i just don't see quite how it would be done, or what. some sort of one day wierdness with the page layout? that would drive everybody nutz. nooo. everybody get together somewhere in amsterdam? that would be nice if we could all be teleported at no expense. its a great thought, but ah, make it rain pot all over the planet on the same day? but i guess we could have, like everybody make suggestions for what would be a way to celebrate it.
I think I have been here for a while. Not like you guys but a while enough. I'm not even sure when I joined up. 2010? That seems a long time ago though. The best celebration we could ever have in my opinion would be to take the site to a throwback of how it was 5 years ago.
I have been a member since 2007 or thereabouts but haven't really been active on the site until maybe 2014 or so. I don't plan on doing much travel to attend an anniversary event, so my anniversary plans are nil.
I think you should have another Woodstock! And we in the UK could do the same, or each of you could pick a UK member to buy a ticket over to join you!