Do you remember the show Married With Children? The father Al Bundy would always talk about how great he was in high school. How he scored 4 touchdowns in one football game and could have been a pro but his wife ruined it all by marrying him. He's old and all he does is live in the past but it's a comedy so that about him is funny too. When I see Hillary going on her pity tour and never failing to mention Trump and a rigged system against her I am reminded of him. I have read some things on the internet (so you know they must be true) about her antics in the past few months. Alleged comments she had made. They all confirm her to me to be the exact mean spirited two faced person I thought she was. Maybe I just assume they would be true but I don't know a lot of sources say the same thing. Even ex secret service who say indeed she was a bitch and not really a fan of the people she asked for votes. She will always be popular with some people. She represents a step forward in feminism that I can understand. Yes, the system was rigged but it was your own party who rigged a nomination in your favor despite the overwhelming support of another candidate. A candidate whose ideas and popularity you scoffed at only to latter pretend they had been your politcal intentions all the long. You said supporters of Bernie Sanders were stupid kids who lived in their parent's basement. This is why they support him and don't understand why it's OK that you are for sale. Because that is just how things get done in the politcal world. This is the same thing the Republicans said about his voters and why they are OK with Trump. He is a man who knows business. Being "for sale" means he has a brain. A country can be run like a successful business because that business makes money. Computations are people too and should be free to contribute vast amounts of money from a succusful business into political lobbying. After all it is the corporation who is the most important American because it creates jobs. Trump also creates jobs because he runs a corporation. This is a win win. Then she finds it funny when she can not differentiate herself from Trump. Some will say she was a good choice. I would disagree with them and say a lot of them got too caught up in her being the first women president. Also, the idea that as bad as least she was she is not Trump. I would prefer her to the current one but she won my state and the popular vote. The electoral college is another issue. I am by no means a supporter of or pleased with the current president. But I do find it amusing that a candidate herself so corupt and dishonest could not beat the most corupt and dishonest president in history. It says much about the current two party system.
It did seem like the last decade or so people were fixated on "making history" than letting history occur on its own merits. Forcing things to happen doesn't mean they have value. There's no way I'd vote for another age of the Clintons. If we're to have a woman in charge, and plenty seem quite capable, let's see it happen organically. Enough of this phony "making history" crap. Consider that rookie they pushed into the Whitehouse after only 140 days as a senator. His administration was as politically useless as King Tut. Why, why didn't Obama abolish the drug war? We were so close, IF he was the genuine article. But he wasn't. He was a fucking prop, placed in office for pure propaganda and "fillins". After being played so easily by Obama's string pullers a guy like Trump is no mystery.
I have no problem with Mrs Clinton. She needs to step aside and let younger Democrats shine. There is only so much oxygen and money to go around. Dems don't need her as the face of The Party