High noon in relations between IMF and Ukraine has matured

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Griffin, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Griffin

    Griffin Guest

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    At the present time Ukraine is in the world limelight. The specific
    character of the present situation is that the country happened to be at a
    crossroads of external economic and political vectors. Decision making
    concerning the line of further development by the country occupying
    exceeding territory in the heart of Europe with a population of 45 million
    people is a matter of great importance not only for Ukrainians but for the
    whole world.
    Finally defined its strategic choice, Ukraine faced serious difficulties.
    On the one hand, it suffers from aggravated domestic economic situation
    against the background of the global financial crisis and the slowdown in
    global economy recovery, on the other hand – Ukraine is subject to
    political and economic pressure from Russia. So, the situation is
    dramatized. The country is unable to manage with ensuring stability of the
    financial system. In this regard, Ukraine needs to attract foreign
    financial resources ever more pressingly than ever before. Recent events
    corroborates that Russia, irritated by European aspirations of Ukraine,
    skillfully uses the uncertainty surrounding the renewal of cooperation
    between international financial institutions and shatter to the maximum
    the difficult economic situation in the country.
    For the purpose to achieve its European integration goals, Kiev
    essentially needs to attract credit resources of independent international
    financial institutions. Country leaders are actively seeking such
    opportunities in various areas. As a result, Ukraine is in a high need to
    renew cooperation with the IMF on stand-by program. Opening a new credit
    line will allow Kiev to reduce economic dependence from Russia, as well as
    decrease the consequences of “trade” and “gas” wars initiated by Russia.
    The IMF may support Ukraine at the first stage to absorb a strike from
    close of Customs Union’s markets. The IMF loan will improve the economic
    situation in the country supporting financial system. So, such lending a
    helping hand will show the important signal to other foreign investors.
    It is necessary to identify another important aspect. Renewal of
    cooperation with the IMF will allow Ukraine not to seek other
    opportunities to attract credit resources from potential borrowers such as
    the state banking institutions in Russia, which, accordingly, will reduce
    the influence of the Russian capital on the Ukrainian economy. From a
    geopolitical point of view, it would be beneficial for both Europe and the
    U.S. Otherwise, Ukraine may become dependent on the Russian leaders’
    imperial ambitions.
    Until now Ukraine has managed to maintain the image of fair borrower and
    Kiev has performed all payments for credits without problems or lags.
    Altogether, during the period of 21 year of cooperation, the IMF has
    allocated $ 19.07 billion to Ukraine and has already got back $ 15.27
    billion, accounting for 80% of total borrowings. Positive history of the
    IMF’s loan repayment in the context of further negotiations may be
    underlined as one of the significant arguments in favor of Ukraine.
    However, if negotiations will not achieve a reasonable compromise on the
    terms of the next loan in December in Kiev, it is likely that chance of
    partial or complete default will rise significantly, which in its turn
    endanger payments from previous tranches. As is known, Ukraine will have
    to pay $ 8.2 billion on external borrowing next year, at a level of
    reserves of 20.6 billion at the end of October 2014. Without external
    assistance, on the background of an acute deficit it might not cope with
    such payments.
    Thus, considering the whole range of issues and their policy implications,
    it is clear that, if the satraps and the top managers of the International
    Monetary Fund continue to maintain their critical stance towards relief in
    some credit terms, it should be expected an exacerbation of economic
    crisis in many European countries. International financial institutions
    and influential multinational companies that have invested heavily in the
    financial market of Ukraine, in the event of crisis and inability to
    service external debt of Ukraine (both sovereign and corporate) may suffer
    serious losses.
    In this situation, a refusal to cooperate with Ukraine will undermine the
    credibility of the IMF as an institution of modernization of economics of
    underdeveloped countries and cause irreparable damage to his reputation.
    The lack of clear signals from the Fund's management about the possibility
    of reaching a reasonable compromise in the negotiations with Kiev
    endangers Ukrainian people’s choice, who demonstrated their commitment to
    the values of European civilization. Rigidity and intransigence of IMF
    only increased the imperial ambitions of the Kremlin. It will inevitably
    resulted in the weakening of the EU and the U.S. positions which has
    already in a difficult situation due to a failure in solving Syrian issue
    and revelations of former NSA employee Edward Snowden recruited by

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