till the time, when I again saw the news, I was happy, cause we were skiing whole day, it was nice. but then, I again saw the situation in Asia and ...
It's frustrating. All you can do is watch these news and hear these horrible stories from people who have lost everything and then see pictures of dead bodies and crying children and you feel like doing SOMETHING but you just end up feeling so helpless... I've been out collecting money for the Red Cross every day this week, for a couple of hours a day. It feels like I'm doing at least something concrete. If you want to help, maybe you could go do that as well.
The comapany i work for has a office in india... we all got back from xmas holiday to find out that some one had lost his entire family 3 kids and his wife.. and another person has a memeber of their family missing... It completly made me sick (with dispair at the tragedy unfoulding over their ), Whats made me even sicker is people saying our goverment should not be sending any money (charity begins at home) ... wtf kinda attitude is that to have , wow about 1/3 of a penny from your tax is going to help some one who is need... cry me a fucking river.. We are having a charity event on the 7th (when every one should have returned to work).. I personaly am giving money to DEC
well they ... i should add these 'people' are friends of mine (very stupid friends) ... say that they would be dead probably so would not give a rats ass..
Well i love you and i would be terribly sad if i heard that you got hit by a bus that you were driving.