
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by MelodyofInkandBlood, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. MelodyofInkandBlood

    MelodyofInkandBlood Members

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    I'm Tori.
    I'm a writer, an aspiring author, been out of the closet as bisexual for years but a recent attempt as a romance with a boy and a crush on a girl have left me poking cautiously as that label for a few days now.
    I'm learning french- I know the basics. Still learning verbs and I can't say any of it worth a damn yet but typing it isn't too hard.
    I can cook, I can sew simple things, I'm learning how to knit and crochet.
    I'm 21- will be 22 in a couple of weeks.
    I love animals. I don't have a job. I don't have a car.
    I don't have a license.
    I know- you're sitting there wondering, 'But Tori, how can you not have a driver's license?!'
    Well, I'll tell you how.
    The last three years of my life was spent in Michigan with my biological father trying to bond and he kept trying to get somewhere with me.
    I kept shutting him down but he kept grabbing and I couldn't focus on anything else for those three years so I didn't make any progress in my life on anything.
    I've only been back in Georgia with my mother for a couple of months now, I'm still trying to get over what happened and get my feet under me, I just recently- like in the last month- actually admitted I've had feeling for a girl for /years/ and she used to like me but nope, too late- she's with an abusive boyfriend now and only comes to me when she needs something.
    I'm a Wiccan, a follower of Selene and Hecate, don't actually practice magic unless I absolutely need it and can't solve the problem without an intense amount of focus.
    If a quick little chant or five seconds of my attention will help, I'll do it. If it's absolutely huge, I'll worry over it and dwell on it for a few weeks and call it good.
    If it's somewhere in between or it's huge and urgent, /then/ I'll do a spell. I'm weird like that.
    Also, I got my lip pierced in the beginning of January- lower lip, left side, two close together called a 'spiderbite'.
    Also, I'm babbling but, hey, what's new? ;p
    Anyhow, that's about it- my story of the last few years summed up into a few paragraphs. I'm hoping to find a few friends here- maybe something more, hell if I know- but mostly I think I'm trying to answer a few questions and find a few people that maybe don't mind me not having my shit together quite yet. Honestly, I don't think I know anymore.

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  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome, Tori.

    You'll feel at home here because none of us have our shit together.

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