Hello. I'm trying out this board, having been part of a really fabulous, now defunct, one a decade ago. Some details: Gender: Male....yep, definitely. Wiring: Really pronounced naked lady fetish. Haven't yet met the guy for me. Never say never, but probably sticking with the nude women. Age: Mortgages and teenagers. Height: ...My fingers reach the keyboard and my toes reach the floor. Body type: ...Human. Male human. A bit muscular. Martial status: Black belt. Really. Marital status: Flexibly hitched, but not trolling. Location: Northeastern southwest USA. Languages: Several, including English and American. Kink: Words. Luscious, long, lively words and short, sharp, sexy words and everything in-between, to be clearer. Seeking: Troublemakers, scoundrels, harlots, and tarts....and also librarians. While I would welcome filthy correspondence, I am not seeking cyberfuckbuddies per se. Let's get to know each other over some peer-reviewed erotica first, please. I don't Skype. Hope that gives y'all enough to get started. Looking forward to the wild rumpus. NN