I don't know.... The forums that I'd be most interested in, art & comics, get very little traffic. To my understanding, new members are not allowed to load up an avatar and perform other basics until we reach a certain point? Other things cause me to feel as though this site isn't my cup of tea.
You can have a nice conversation with me right in this thread to build up your ten posts and you it won't be too long until you are able to add a picture for your avatar. As far as traffic in your preferred forums goes, the more you post in them, the more likely others will find something to interact with since a lot of people just look at the New Posts.
Davey, yes, this isn't the easiest site to learn to navigate around, the learning curve could be assisted by some more specific instructions. ~Zen~ does what he can now and then to clarify things. For instance I still don't know how to post a frame from a comic in a newspaper that I find funny. But it's well worth the time to figure things out.. M.G. has offered some assistance above, and I'll try to answer a question or two also.
Thank you all for the involvement and the support. Moon Goddess has a good perspective, i.e., more new posts may = more traffic. Thank you for your offer. And thank you, oldguynurse, for your input. On a nurses' website that I frequent there was a fella I got to be good virtual friends with and went by the username, OldDudeRN. After he retired as a school nurse, he also retired from the website. We kept in touch for a while by email, but that, too, eventually went by the wayside. I'd be interested in hearing of your nursing history, if you're so inclined. Thanks again, to all!
D.D., Quick re-cap: BA degree in Graphic Arts, ad agencies for awhile, then nursing school at 30 and passed Boards in '78. Did ICU for 6 yrs, burned out, then Psychiatry for 5 yrs. Then nursing my mother and brother and their numerous disabilities and illnesses for years. So, nursing but not getting paid <grin>. How's with you?
And it's been said that old nurses love to ramble on about their careers. You, olguynurse, are an exception to the rule. Thanks for the history. We not only have nursing in common, but also art. Thanks for asking. An MVA in '76 when I got hit head-on by a drunk driver while riding a motorcycle and suffered a closed head injury- 3 weeks comatose, multiple internal/external, & orthopedic injuries got me interested in the medical field. I took a First Aid course and was certified in CPR in '78, EMT-B 1979, NREMT-A 1981, LPN 1983, RN 1990. I've done LTC, psych, OR, ER, med-surge, HH, with a few years of administration. All in all, about 15 years medical and 25 years psych. I retired three years ago this month and do art every day for hours on end.
Impressive. And in the same time frame. And now we have nursing, art, and motorcycles in common. Telling the "war stories" is fun too.
Well, let's say we have nursing and art in common. I don't do motorcycles anymore. And as far as war stories, I could bore a Saint to tears. I don't remember the actual motorcycle accident, just a few minutes before its occurrence. Once I was able to, I drove a buddy's motorcycle, believing the memory would come back to me, but nothing happened. I worked the MN shift for 17 years at my last position and stayed on a night schedule on my days off. I am/was an avid bicyclist and would take night rides on a regular basis. One night a pickup truck veered at me and I had to go off the road in order to avoid being hit. Even that did not bring back the memory of the motorcycle crash. It was not meant to be for me to remember the accident, nor ride motorcycles.