hi, newbie old guy working with ED

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by cohikr68, Sep 14, 2021.

  1. cohikr68

    cohikr68 Members

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    Hi, new to Hip and introducing myself....I'm Cohikr68...from Denver, in early 70s, fit, hike constantly but struggling with ED for a number of years...likely BP meds caused. Tried viagra, cialis, etc. ...med sensitive and all had side effects that weren't tolerable. And didn't work all that well. But there are other ways to have sex...a good tongue and mouth can still make things pleasurable for both. Think I prefer bringing pleasure to someone than the other way if push comes to shove. Anyway hi to all.
    arizonacook and Captain Scarlet like this.
  2. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Can I ask you to kindly do an introduction thread here Introduce Yourself! if you havnt already done one thanks
    arizonacook likes this.
  3. Si69

    Si69 Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome from another oldie.....I still get a rock hard cock, especially when I'm being fucked, but use a pill from time to time if I know I'm gonna have a long session.....just keeps it solid longer and also if I want to fuck someone

    But you're dead right there is a helluva lot more in sex than penetration. I always loved oral with all orifices in both sexes......

    Enjoy HF ...lots of suggestions and stories here haha

    Simon :)
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  4. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Yep I agree foreplay becomes becomes a lot more important as you get older and very enjoyable . :)
  5. arizonacook

    arizonacook Banned

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    Hello--- welcome---- hope you don't mind questions from a lady--- i'm married but my husband is 20 years older at 68 .......
    have you tried any testosterone cream or injections? --- however both can have an effect on your over all moods:confused: --- anyway its another option from the little pills

    but if you read a few different topics here a lot of guys have become very creative in keeping the sexual spark alive
    cohikr68, Scharff and Captain Scarlet like this.
  6. Scharff

    Scharff Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I have a bunch of meds to take and from time to time my erections were affected by them. Pills sometimes but not always worked. My doc prescribed injections and they worked great. As my meds got adjust things got a little easier and better. Now, I get very hard during a good blowjob. But I'd do injections again if I had to fuck for a long time. I can give you details if you want. Just PM me.
    arizonacook likes this.
  7. Jesse49

    Jesse49 Members

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    A none medical solution is a penis pump. A penis pump allows more blood to flow into the penis giving you a erection that can last up to 1/2 an hour. I read an article from the Mayo Clinic where they recommended a penis pump as one way to help with ED.

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