hi, i'm new here

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by yogashaman21, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. yogashaman21

    yogashaman21 Guest

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    hi, i'm yogashaman21, and i would like to know how to send private messages! i can't figure out how, sorry for not knowing how to, thanks for your help.
  2. driftwood_74

    driftwood_74 Level 88

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    I'll send you a PM on how to do it.
  3. yogashaman21

    yogashaman21 Guest

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    but that's exactly the problem! i don't KNOW how to access my private message box!
  4. Starsrainbow

    Starsrainbow ~om~

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    Welcome aboard yogashaman21 ! :daisy:

    Visitor/private & chatroom functions usually start after about 22 posts (not including couple of forums)
    Your profile will turn from 'visitor to member' under your user name ;)
  5. roamy

    roamy Senior Member

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    welcome yoga :)
  6. artnude

    artnude Guest

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    I am new. no idea how this works.
    I have been bi all my life.
    Is that odd?
    I am 52 and have only been in long term relationships with females but have had many happy encounters with males.
    I don't consider myself gay as I find both sexes equally attractive.
    I have gotten grief from both straight and gay friends for being bi.
    I like flesh and humans.
    Gender is not at all important to me.Is the fact I have only been in straight relationships indicative of something?
    I am definitely not straight but have only had long term relationships with females and as I age, I am more drawn to males as they are simple and easy for me to understand.
    Of course, as I age I am less interested in sex in general but I am not attracted to most women my age.
    Men don't seem to matter as i am not really attracted to them but to the parts they possess.
    There was a fairly recent incident where, for maybe the first time, I could imagine a relationship with a guy but he was in a long term relationship and I felt like a cheater.
    Is this "normal" for bi people?
    I am the only bi person I know and feel very alone.
    Very not accepted by the gay or straight communities.
    I have no crisis and am very comfortable with who I am.
    I have just never met many bi people.
    Sex isn't even important to me anymore.
    I guess I just want to find others who may have similarities to me.
    People who appreciate both sexes, all sexes and don't identify as a gender.
    I see myself as both masculine and feminine.
    Am I just really fucked up?

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