Hi, I'm Kelly. In case you can't tell, I love sage! Burning it in camp fires, cooking with it, growing it, drying it... Scared off yet? Honestly I ended up on this site by searching for some camper vans in Alberta, Canada. Did you know they are incredibly difficult to find and buy used in good condition? I feel defeated already. Well, hey all, I'll see you around the site while I check things out! Cheers!
welcome to here you could always buy an ambulance and build your own camper http://www.govdeals.ca/ check often..ambulances are there a lot of times
Hi...I have a small bottle of ground sage on too of my drawers in my bedroom. I have honestly no clue what it is doing there and not in the kitchen...welcome to HF!
You should buy a hearse. Bitches love hearses. I'd love to get an old hearse with the fins and things. I'm not a mechanic though. =[