Hi forum members...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Unruly boy, Sep 6, 2024.

  1. Unruly boy

    Unruly boy Newbie

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    My name is Jean-Luc and I'm a french 53 years old gentleman.
    My favorite leisure is listening to dancefloor music, travelling (recently spent one week at Gutenberg, Stochkolm and copenhagen) sports like swiming, running, rollers blade and so on..)
    Actually, I'm searching to have exchanges with anglophone people about any subject and why not meet them if the feelings get fine...
    Well that's all for the moment and in a meanwhile, wish you a lovely day !
    MeAgain and Toker like this.
  2. Native Vee

    Native Vee Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    Hello and welcome!!

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