Hi everybody from the Black Hills in South Dakota

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Marylu, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Marylu

    Marylu Guest

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    Hi guys! I am a 62 year old hippie girl and I have been a hippie since we started it all back in the 60's! I am recently going through some pretty big changes and I just can't seem to find people here that I can relate to anymore. I am searching seriously for some like-minded people who I can at least talk to. I am in the midst of a huge awakening, some of it is kinda scary. I am strong though and feel like I am on the right track. Would love to meet some people around my age to talk about life in general, life in the present moment, and all the changes that are happening on our planet. I haven't been very social in my life, so please bear with me. My communication skills are not the best. Life is good, I am happy and very positive!
  2. BeachBall

    BeachBall Nosey old moo

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    Hi Marylu :seeya:

    Welcome to a great place to find and chat with other open-minded and caring individuals.

    I'm a bit younger than you (only 16 years ... nothing huge) and I know very little about life in South Dakota (except what I see in Calamity Jane, and I guess that's a little out of date) ... but I'll happily chat with you if it helps.
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    62, wow. Have you met Al Swearengen as a kid? :biggrin: :p jk

    Welcome! :biggrin:
  4. Marylu

    Marylu Guest

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    Thank you Beachball and Asmodean! Actually, Calamity Jane is one of my all time favorite people. I live on one of her Pony Express Routes lol. And no Asmodean, Al would not have been my kind of guy. But Seth Bullock was really handsome!!
    There isn't much to tell about the Black Hills. Some hippies around but they stay back in the woods like I do. Lots of good people...just not on the same track as I am.
    I have kids in Ft Collins CO and enjoyed a great weekend on 420!! Would love to live in those mountains!!
    Thanks again for the welcome. Love and light
  5. Frenchygirl5

    Frenchygirl5 Guest

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    Hy Marylu ! Welcome ! I've been a part of the forum for 3 days and I love it ! Hope you will too. :)
    I am curious to know more about your huge awakening. Would it be indescrete to ask you to tell us more about it ?
  6. Mixed-Peppers

    Mixed-Peppers Member

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    Hello and welcome:):).

    I loved how you ended your post Life is good, I am happy and very positive!.

    I too am shy socially - the good news is, that people on here seem to be nice.

    I hope you do find what you are looking for here.

    Best wishes...

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