Hi, I'm new. I was told to introduce myself. Female, 49, divorced..Here just for fun and curious. I guess that's it. Hope to talk to you all soon.
Welcome to HIP, Hope the interaction on here gives opportunity to be entertaining and mutually educational
.... And welcome to HIP forums Jeanette from Boozercruiser, and all of the other lovely folks here. I must advise you right now of this though, so don’t say you weren’t warned......
Welcome to the forums Jeanette ,I hope you enjoy interacting with the people here. Cheers Bob aka Cookie Man
Welcome Jeanette! Plenty of folks to talk to and many subjects. I pick a song that each new members name suggests. Your song, by the English Beat, is called Jeanette!
Belated welcome, and timely Happy Holidays! I've found a bit of screen time on this site to be a nice diversion and distraction from the cares and worries of everyday life in 3 dimensions. I hope you do also.
Well hello Jeanette_33, nice to meet you. I'm new also, and like this forum too. Look forward to seeing some of your thoughts.
Jeanette darlin' - profuse apologies - I missed your introduction until now - good morning and welcome.