Hi all

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Nude Ant, May 18, 2018.

  1. Nude Ant

    Nude Ant Visitor

    Hi all I'm a newbie on here and i'd just like to thank everyone for being so welcoming in the chatroom
    AstroShark and Pete's Draggin' like this.
  2. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    Welcome Ant.
    Lots of fun to have you in chat
    Nude Ant likes this.
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Hi Ant.. good to have your company in the chat..
    Nude Ant likes this.
  4. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    hi mate !
    Nude Ant likes this.
  5. YogaBird

    YogaBird Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

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    Nude Ant likes this.
  6. Nude Ant

    Nude Ant Visitor

    Thank you x
  7. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    Welcome to the forums :)
    Nude Ant likes this.

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