Uhmmmm .. I don't really know how this site works. Just trying to get to know some people more like me :3 I have facebook and tumblr if you wanna' hit me up there. orrr .. here? if I figure out how to use it 8) peace <333
That is cool ^ - ^ I just need to get used to it lol I need someone to show me around xD haha But thank you for your comments ^ᴥ^ and hi again Mallyboppa!
Think of it as being like going into a pub you don't normally go into ! First you don't know anybody, you don't know where the bog is , what the pies are like ,barmaids name or anything :bigcry: couple of visits and people greet you say Hi , barmaid already knows what you like, you fit right in OK Hip forum is fuck all like that ( only kidding you will be fine )