Hi guys, Im new here, but I think maybe IM too old for this forum so far. But anyway, I'm a sound enigneer, just opened my own studio, so now I work at home. I play drums, guitar, harmonica. Yep, I followed( I've always listen to their music but I mean FOLLOWED) the Dead for about 2 years, got in about 42 shows, blew a ton of money. I have 2 kids,2 and 4. Still play in the Nashville club circuit, mostly solo and duo stints with others in the area. I also run an herbal remedy shop, about to open an online version soon. I am the local adminstrator for the Arbor Day Foundation, and I guess thats about it. Oh and I havent worn shoes in 10yrsp ) .
Hey old man river, leave now or i'll break your hip! hah, just kidding. There are plenty of old people on here...like mystical shroom.
haha, yeah, I know, you soon shall be wearing a helmet get one with a chin strap, they work better...