Hey everyone, names Joe and live near Toronto right now. I'm pretty new to this crowd, had a sorta enlightenment moment back around Christmas time that made me change my whole perspective on everything and well now i'm here Had the enlightenment moment mainly by being exposed to people with ideas completely different from my own, and discovering a few books and listening to people like Alan Watts which really got me questioning everything. I was following a pretty destructive path before, was still in high school but had been serving in the military for close to a year and was about the sell my soul and enroll in that shit full time. l I had convinced myself that's what I wanted with rationalizing and all that other stuff your ego does to protect itself but I came to realize I really wasn't happy and I wasn't doing any sort of good in the world. So I quit the military, and really just started living how I wanted to live. Grew out my hair and all that, and people started calling me a "hippie" which is how I ended up finding this forum. Have been hanging out with a lot of hippie minded people recently, and well this is hard to say from a former conservative military minded individual, but like that video on the homepage says, the dirty fucking hippies were right Anyways, going to culinary school next year with the money I made from the military. Not sure i'll follow down this path but it seems like something I'd enjoy. Just going to concentrate on doing good in the world, helping others, and finding more of that inner peace I've really been starting to feel recently This forum looks pretty sweet, looking forward to spending time here and talking to you people Peace
Hey man, sounds like an interesting road you have taken, I was not aware of being able to be in the military at such a young age in Canada.... Can I give you some advice? Well I'm going to anyways. Double think your decision to go to culinary school, I dont mean to hate or anything but Im a Sous Chef and have been since I was your age. Working in kitchens sucks, the pay sucks, the hours suck (always going to work weekend nights), and the people are always pissy. Just want to throw that out there to somebody who probably hasnt seen what a kitchen is really like and how they operate. They are not enjoyable jobs unless you want to hook up with sexy wait staff... Hope you enjoy your stay
Very beautiful way to welcome yourself. Hope you become a regular. Im proud to wish you a merry welcome. *sends a welcoming cheer his way*
Hi, welcome, and enjoy, some great people here.. Can i just say, mindcontrolledsheppie has given you good advice, unless you have worked in a kitchen, dont go spending your money! Im city and guilds chef, with more yeard than i care to say, in the buisness, and it sucks! If its really what you want, get a job in a kitchen for a few months, see what goes on, at least they will pay you..but dont pour money down the sink... If your clever, choose IT, thats where the money is.. hope you stick around
Hey man, thanks for the the advice and welcome. You can join pretty young in Canada, I was enrolled at 16 and was heading to basic training for my 17th birthday. Their was men and women younger then me too...I remember it being pretty funny because they were issuing Beer cards and half of the people in the platoon weren't old enough to drink so we didn't get issued one...So they let us carry fire arms and shoot live ammo and put our lives at risk, but don't you dare have a sip of beer. Funny logic isn't? Thanks especially for the advice regarding being a chef. But man I really dont know what to do at this point. I already payed a large part of the first year of culinary school. Its a one year program with possibility to extend to two years if you want. Morrow, you recommended IT but that just aint my thing man, I dont even own a cellphone haha. And I just hate having to sit down and be on computers they make my eyes and head hurt. I chose cooking cause its something I enjoy, I always cook at home and stuff. I was planning on heading out and working on the cruise ships or hotel for a bit after culinary school. Maybe work seasons and travel the rest of the time. Was also going to pick up bar tending as a secondary thing. I'm going to try to figure out what I want to do, worst case scenario I stop the culinary school after 1 year and i'm only about 5 thousand down but wont have any debt. At least i'll be able to cook good and can work a bit after that to make more money then chose something else. Figuring out what you want to be is hard, I mean I don't really want to be anything, I just want to live simply and peacefully but you gotta pick something... Thanks again for the welcome, peace man.