Hey everyone im shueyb. So after failed attempts at finding people with a similar mindset to hang out with, here i am yay Here's my story so far : I was born in india about 23 years ago to a typical middle class couple. i spent the first 14 years of my life being a good little sheep doing as he was told. but then i started to awake. began to question everything from authority to religion, education and the whole deal. My parents have always been fairly more open minded than others of their "status" and so they cut me some slack. god bless them. Anyway, here's what i started to hate about the whole system down here. its like everyone lives the exact same lives everyday. children are forced into doing what their parents want. These people have no free spirit. they love being held back by society and its shackles. they work endless hours, save tons of money,then buy lots of property with it and then die. I didnt want that for myself. so i started to deviate from all them conformists and started to live more like a rebel. BUT as a person born to a middle class family in india, you are limited to a very small set of minds to hang out with. The richer dont wanna hang out with you, the poorer are too busy working to hang out with you. what you're left with is a group of people who think you are too weird and stupid cuz you're thoughts are different from theirs. you can only imagine the ridicule i must have faced hahah So since the past few years ive become really obsessed with the whole bohemian/hippie/ psychedelic lifestyle. and weirdly ive started to define myself to an extent with this kind of a living. i love the earth and cant wait to start living off the grid. Apart from that, i love painting, composing music, playing with my cats, tripping my balls off and when im not busy doing all that, im being governed by the moon into being an emotional wreck yea thats pretty much it for now. Would love to get to know you people and your stories Boom shankar.