New here and just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. It feels kind of lazy to just copy and paste my information from my profile, but in looking at it, it is probably the best way to introduce myself properly. So the next paragraph is me plagiarizing myself, lol. **I am a 20 year old college student from the Southern U.S. I am a musical theater junkie and I love the arts in general. I drink a little, smoke a little, love a lot. I am an avowed atheist, but I have nothing against people with faith as long as they don't do bad things to good people in the name of faith. I love the rain and storms, I love to read, and I try to write. I play the guitar and piano, and I sing/dance/act. I have a wicked sense of humor and really at the end of the day, I mostly just try to make people smile. It sounds trite, I know ... but the world needs more smiles.** I have lurked here quite awhile before finally making an account. I have read so many of the threads going back quite a ways, so I feel like I really got my feet nice and wet before jumping in the pool. I hope I found a home here. I wouldn't have bothered making an account if I didn't feel that I could contribute positively here, at least in a small way. Looking forward to getting to know the place better. Thanks for having me. -Nikki
Gone, gone with the wind There ain't nobody looking back again LOVE that song! And for the record, I also love sweet potato pie!
Greetings and welcome to HIP! Connecticut native, with two runs in Maine. Last time down south, by mere blocks, was Arlington, VA in May 2015. I've been in Tampa and Nashville, but that was 2009 and 2010, respectively.
As I say to most members joining HF, click on "new posts" and join in some of the threads being currently discussed. It is the quickest way for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you. You will come across people of all ages and from all walks of life here,... But sadly, their is only one opera loving nutty professor.
As of now that may be true, but as a music education major, there may be two some day! I have the opera loving and nutty part down already, lol.
Welcome, Song! Being from the south also, its always good to see more Southerners...Meliai and myself are the only ones I know of off hand. (I also play the piano. About 100 yrs ago I used to sing some too. )
Thank you Ms. Brown! I am glad there are some other Southern voices to be heard here as well! It seems like a real diverse community here, and I really like that. Glad the South has some represention
I bet that you must surely be the only other HF member who knows that Tchaikovsky wrote 11 operas I wonder if you became as frustrated with waiting for the postman to deliver replies to your letters as Tatiana and that is why you joined us on HF.
That is beautiful, thank you. To be honest, I did not know he had written 11. But I'm still learning! I have loved musicals as long as I can remember, but have just recently begun to realize the absolute beauty of opera. It is ironic you brought up Tchaikovsky. I just recently listened to a partial recording of The Queen of Spades, the only opera of his that I'm actually familiar with (until now). This is a really cool pic of Tchaikovsky with the two leads from the premier of that opera in 1890. What a talented composer. I love old photos and wonder how much people realized in the moment that they were in the company of genius...
Tchaikovsky was a remarkable composer. Influenced by the sudden and traumatic death of his mother as a child, his deep trauma reflects in much of his work, from the rejection by Wagner of his B flat minor piano concerto, to his final symphony where he wrote 'pathetique' on the score. One of my favorites is his symphonic poem. Often miscalled a symphony, it is based on the poem of the same name by Byron. This is a recording from the Henry Wood promenade concert which you may like to listen to when you get an hour to spare. Neither words or a recording can describe that moment at 58:20 when the magnificent organ at the Albert Hall took over the last few bars, resounding the entire building and leaving the audience speechless.
hello I like your name You know it worries me when someone lurks for a while before joining because you already probably know me, and I find that, an unfair advantage. En guard! See you on the boards The plank, I'll see you on the plank. Arghh
Eric! and Aeri. Anyway, I think it's cool when people take pride in where they live. Too many people are always grumbling about how "this sucks...I hate it's a shithole." The only places in the South I've ever been were touristy places like DC, DisneyWorld, and Galveston, TX, so I'll be the first to say I don't know squat about it. But, ya'll--see what I did there?--make it sound nice. Anyway, welcome to the Hip!
oh my word! I forgot about Aeri...can't believe I did that. smh I didn't realize Eric! was a Southerner though. lol I think this state is so backwards its unreal...but I still love the south. That probably makes next to no sense and I can't help that.
It makes complete sense to me. Mississippi can be about as backwards as can be politically, so in a way we deserve our backwards reputation. But for the most part, I love the people. And it's home. I love my state and I love the South, even though that probably doesn't make sense to some people.