Heroin Users Take Over San Francisco BART Station

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by deleted, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    "If you're going to San Francisco... Be sure to wear a tourniquet around your arm"

    That's actually quite scary. Heroin is pretty much the only popular drug that I wasn't exposed to when I lived in the Bay Area. I've only been gone a few years, it's crazy how fast demand has developed for Heroin.
  3. Kerri

    Kerri Members

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    The mayor in the news cast said its unacceptable (and it is illegal) and they've just spent $30 million on hiring new officers and cleaners so they have enough manpower to address the problem. No one is in support of it and they're actively trying to address it
  4. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    Wouldn't be surprised if, in just another century or so, this is the norm in massive slums situated on the outskirts of every major city in the world. Ushering in dystopia one step at a time.
  5. machinist

    machinist Banned Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh San Francisco. Theres your utopia, liberals.
    newbie-one likes this.
  6. NotMyRealName

    NotMyRealName Members

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    Lets take more money from those that have jobs and do the right thing, to pay for this. Cuz that's worked so well thus far.

    They don't have money. They don't have a home. They don't shower. Yet they can find enough to support a drug habit. I don't care how cheap heroin is, even at $5 a hit, they are spending plenty on their habit. Hey I know what will solve it. Give them money directly.

    Many in Silicon Valley support Universal Basic Income. Now the California Democratic Party does, too.
    Orison and machinist like this.
  7. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Man... Why are you guys down on social programming?

    I think that drug addiction is a huge public health concern. How come when the President ushers in gigantic spending on opioids it's somehow a non-issue?

    I'm glad that they're doing something, but I hope that the funds don't all go to arresting addicts and putting them behind bars instead of into rehab. It's sad that San Francisco is seeing an uptick. I didn't read the article, but I know what heroin can do. I lost three friends so far to overdoses. Two of those were heroin. Actually I'm not sure about the third one being an overdose. It could have been an interaction issue from mixing, but I don't know the details.
    eggsprog likes this.
  8. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    I find this rediculous. There is the mayor saying they do not have the money to deal with the problem as it is a social issue, In 2017 sf spent more than 250 million on homelessness alone and can not track where that money went. But hey let’s live in a bubble and welcome all into the city. Now let’s put forth the scenario that they do not have enough money to deal with it and blame the government for not giving enough. What a joke! But come to sanfrancisco, we ask no questions!

    That does not include the clean up required for human shit clean up, or the money on police and emergency vehicles called to deal with it. The budget for for public works increased by 20 million to deal with garbage and human feces from the homeless and undocumented.! So let’s increase taxes, let you live in a shit hole, pay a premium to live here, that will only get worse!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018
    GeorgeJetStoned and machinist like this.
  9. machinist

    machinist Banned Lifetime Supporter

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    In SF last fall in the Mission the streets were literally lined with garbage
  10. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    You guys are unbelievable. You'll use any excuse to push your political agenda. I guess no one got the memo that there's a nationwide heroin epidemic and is a major problem in red states too. I live in a red state and there's a coastal city here that's a major hub for heroin trafficking (as well as human trafficking). Its an issue everywhere.
    Social_Pariah and Tyrsonswood like this.
  11. NotMyRealName

    NotMyRealName Members

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    Its not a matter of trying to ignore social problems. Heroin is cheap and readily available. THAT is part of the problem. And in many cases heroin use stems from an addiction to Opiods that get started through legal prescription. The prescription ends, the addiction does not. Heroin is cheaper and easier to get than a prescription Opiod. THAT is part of the problem. So I agree that its a social issue we need to get a handle on. Opiod (heroin is an Opiod) abuse is a start. But only part of the problem.

    Making them comfortable, isn't helping as obvious in this and many other videos. If we are going to provide them with needles and a place to shoot up, and they are obviously homeless, then place them in a controlled environment where they are to be kept. If I say jail everyone goes crazy at the thought. But some way to at the least, house them in an institutionalized setting, that provides housing, drug treatment, and keeps them IN them rather than housing them where everyone else has to deal with them, and nobody is tasked to make it better by getting them OUT of the subways etc.

    I'm not trying to say drug addicts should be put in jail necessarily, although illegal drug use is a punishable offense. I'm saying that we already have an institution set up that addresses people like this. Its part of our penal system. Send them to designated help centers, make them work a program, and bring them back to serving some purpose if possible. Make them pay back by doing publicly needed task being done. Clean parks. Maintain roads etc. They provide a value back to the community that helps them.
  12. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    You wreck me .. [​IMG]
  13. NotMyRealName

    NotMyRealName Members

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    If you mean a hub that is used to import the illegal aspects, thats not the same as allowing drug addicts to occupy any public space they desire. Not the same problem. Every port in America is used to gain access to the marketplace. None are doing so legally. Hard to stop for sure. So much money and so many legal blockades. They take advantage of the loopholes. But this isn't about HELPING the importers exist. They do so because they are pretty smart at being illegal.

    Not stopping the addicts from taking up public space and draining public resources, is HELPING it exist.
  14. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    As someone pointed out this actually is being addressed , not sure why you're pushing the narrative that nothing is being done
  15. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i like heroin..and fentanyl

    its like self serve darwinism
    6-eyed shaman and mcme like this.
  16. NotMyRealName

    NotMyRealName Members

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    Which part is being addressed? The heroin addicts in the subway? The only part I saw were the comments made by the mayors etc. Which isn't addressing anything for a solution that I heard.
  17. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    The part about spending $30 million for more manpower to clean up the area?
  18. NotMyRealName

    NotMyRealName Members

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    Except that its not limiting itself to a confined number in the population. Drug addiction in this country is a growing HUGE problem. That will cost us HUGE if we can't stop its expansion.

    And what do we do with them until they OD and die?
  19. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    Exactly the way the powers that be want it
  20. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Pretty sure the mayor brought in a political agenda, not I or machinist! You are the unreal one sweetie! Let’s have tax payers make it easier for addicts by opening more safe spaces with clean needles supplied and disposal taken care of! Sf is ok with it and facilitates the user! They need more safe spaces for those who need to inject! They need a safe space right outside that station ... more money required! Come to sf and we will pay part of the expense of your addiciction with government tax dollars. In 4 years the budget for this city homeless, drug addicts has increased from 6.8 billion to 8.7 billion and he wants more! When is enough, enough. Poles in sf collapse because of urine on poles! Yeah come to sf and we will take care of you!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018

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