heroic dose of 25c-NBome

Discussion in 'Other Drugs' started by ChanchoMagnificent, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. ChanchoMagnificent

    ChanchoMagnificent Guest

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    i have 16 tabs of 25-c(1000ug per tab)
    i have been only taking 1 tab, but i wanna go higher
    how much do you think i should take?
  2. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    one and a half.

    or like...one and a quarter dude.
    and after that maybe you can work your way up to two hits.

    especially if they are really 1000 ug

    this stuff is NOT like LSD, where you can safely eat 5 or 10 hits

    you don't really wanna take a heroic dose of NBOMe chemicals

    you won't end up a hero...you might end up dead
  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    ^totally right. Next step up would be 1.25-1.5mg. nbome has too much vasoconstriction and weird mental effects to be safe to dose high.
  4. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    When you guys say vasoconstriction, what specifically happens to you. I also agree that with nbome, one needs to be even more careful than with say even sonething relativley delicate.

    Drugs can be fun, but only when used knowledably and with respect for what they can do.
  5. Snyfin

    Snyfin surfing the astral plane

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    nbome at high doses can be nuts. a friend had it in an eye dropper and i did about 4 drops nasally. intense stuff for sure. was tripping for probably 10 hours straight before i came down. be safe!
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  7. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    My first/only experience with 25c was somewhere between 2mg and 4mg. I dosed a 2mg blotter and was tripping pretty heavily, then I plugged another 2mg blotter, but I don't think all of the material from the plugged blotter was absorbed. I may be wrong, so don't take my word for it, but 25c seemed to be much easier on the body than 25i.
  8. untitled-10

    untitled-10 Guest

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    1.5 mg of 25-c has been recorded to kill, and most tabs are 120-250 mics (MAX)
    I know people who have taken 1.6 mg and they said the body tension was the worced, fuck high does of research chems, its nothing like lsd by dosage, enough people have died from fucking up on rc's

    also poster above me, is it even possible to have 4mg on a blotter?
  9. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    yes, it's possible to fit 4 mg (an insanely small amount of powder) onto one blotter.

    this has nothing to do with high doses of "research chemicals" in general. high doses of NBOMe chemicals are NOT a good idea. however, OTHER research chems like 2ce, 2cb, etc. have shown that high doses do not pose much immediate danger.

    all drugs are different. you can't just class all RCs together.
  10. untitled-10

    untitled-10 Guest

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    that is a fair point, I was talking about dosages compared to the "usual" dose of a substance we don't know too much about is always going to be risk, and yeah I should't clump them all together, my apologies :)
  11. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    I don't understand why people don't seem to get that concept. I always hear people talking about how they "don't use number letter drugs" and then dosing a 5 strip of bitter "acid". Fucking ignorance.
  12. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I took a little too much 25b nbome once. I became effectively blind and could not walk because my body was shaking extremely bad. So bad I was seriously afraid that I would have a seizure if I did not stay as still as possible and not move. I don't know if I was in any danger but it sure felt that way because sometimes my limbs would jerk suddenly sometimes. I threw the stuff away after that, which was probably foolish.
  13. BillyX

    BillyX Member

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    1.6mg of 25c seems to be my sweet spot for off the walls hallucinations. The highest i have gone is 3.2mg & that was an attempt to counteract the tolerance from a 1.6mg trip the day before. Work your way up, 1.6mg was so intense id forget i was tripping at times & mistake hallucinations for reality.
  14. Jbarnesdnd

    Jbarnesdnd Guest

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    A friend and I come in contact with 1200ug blotters of 25c regularly and I have taken dozen if doses on blotter, the most I've take was 8.4mg (7 tabs) without any noticeable side effects or signs of vasoconstriction. I would say that with the powder and doing it intranasally is much more unsafe. This RC is one of the softer NBOMe produces amazing OEVs CEVs as well as auditory distortions at about 700ug-1mg for me personally. This chemical is potent and it takes a ready mind. Coming up on NBOMe is the biggest fucking rush into psychedelic synthesia.
  15. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    I'll second this. Everything said fits me haha. I too get 1200ug blotters with a friend from an online source. Personally, I found it to be pretty light on vasocontriction! I even skateboarded for a while on it(watching my heart rate and staying hydrated, along with taking it easy of course) without noticing the usual tense vasoconstriction feeling i generally get.
    This is one of my favorite psychs ever.
    I love how lucid you are throughout it, i'm more clear minded on it than I am on lucy any day! (No hate for lucy though, <3 for lsd-25)
    I would recommend keeping the dosage low just for the fact that you don't need more than 700-1200ug a trip to have an amazing time. Slowly work your way up as this chemical doesn't have a lot of recorded information about it.

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