It's the Brady Bunch themesong. It's stuck in my head and driving me crazy. I just thought I'd share the, er, joy. ~C
Oh my, this is so funny, I was at a high school band concert and they had a television comedy medley with that song, the Adams Family, Bewitched, Dick Van Dyke? maybe, I wasn't sure of that one, there was something else from that time period, it was so funny, b/c my little cousin knew all the songs, thanks to what is it TVland? yeah! It was cute though, everyone trying to call out what show it was from, and singing the songs!
Actually for once it hasn't started playing in my head at all, I can't even think of the rest of the lyrics, I guess its because I'm already listening(and singingalong) to music.
lol. yup its in my head, but unfortunately i remember the whole damn song.. i always seem to get the theme from Greenacres or the Beverly Hillibillies stuck in my head.