Here’s a tricky one!!!

Discussion in 'Folk Music' started by danbrown123003, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. danbrown123003

    danbrown123003 Members

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    Looking for a song I used to listen to on Spotify. Was on a folk playlist someone else had already created. I have a very vague description, but hoping it might spark a huge music buffs memory, so here it goes. Male artist. Voice/song is draggy almost mumbles.
    If you listen to the first couple guitar strings for the song, “love is everywhere (beware) by Wilco, that is the beat for the entire song I’m trying to think of on repeat. The song or artist title I think had bad John or something with John? Please please let someone have a clue!!?? The song might actually have “bill” as the name in the song
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020

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