Herbs for autism spectrum disorder?

Discussion in 'The Autism Spectrum' started by nimh, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    just wondering if you have any suggestions.

  2. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Autisum is a mental condition of selfcentered subjective mental activity. Often accompanied by a marked withdrawal from reality.

    Herbs to use> Green Tea Extract, Heavy Metal Detox, Protease Plus, Vitamin B-Complex, Flax Seed Oil, Germanium Combonation.

    Essential Oils to use> Frankincense, Lavender, and Myrrh.

    Best of Healing
  3. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    thx shameless, for your suggestions. :D (oops, this got kind of long)

    once we have an official diagnosis (and the funding that goes along with it), i'm going to find a dan! doctor for my son, so that he can be chelated to remove the heavy metals from his body. i'm scared to try that on our own--from what i've read, some heavy metal detoxes just release the heavy metals into the body, and then even more mercury/lead/thallium/etc can settle into the brain. i had a thimerosal containing flu-shot right before he was conceived, and have recently learned that the fetal load of mercury from maternal exposure is something like 20 to 40 x's as much. :( the fetus accumulates the mercury as it circulates, and doesnt have any way of excreting the heavy metal because the its' liver doesnt function yet. we stopped vaccinating him after he'd already had two sets of infant shots, and i'm so glad that we did. he'll probably have a diagnosis of aspergers syndrome, but i have a gut feeling that if we had continued to vaccinate him (especially with the mmr), that he would have been profoundly autistic at this point.

    we've been giving him nettle glycerite because he self-limits his diet so much. he'll actually take glycerites, and nettle is so full of nutrients. he self limits his diet so much, i feel like he doesnt get everything he needs.

    i've also been able to get udo's oil into him lately (i mix it with peanut butter). there's flax oil in there. and i use ground flax and hempseed flour in baked goods. i've been trying to figure out a way to get him to take cod liver oil, but it's a no go so far.

    and he's on a special diet (no gluten, casein, soy, dyes, preservatives, flavourings, and limited phenols/salicylates). i give him nutritional yeast (on popcorn) for the b-vites--he wont take pills at all. i've been meaning to pick up some enzymes too to try out when he has an accidental exposure to something off-diet, but again, i dont know how i'll actually get him to take them. we also do probiotics--the powder in the capsules is sweet tasting, so i can sprinkle it onto popcorn too.

    hm, i just looked up green tea extract, and i dont know if i can use it because the active ingredient is polyphenol, and we've found that avoiding phenols is beneficial. is it the antioxidant properties of green tea extract that are important? maybe there's something else we can use instead.

    i see that germanium helps stimulate the body to produce its own interferon! whooo! very cool.

    essential oils~thx, i'll pick up the ones i dont have. :)

    i've been looking at biomedical ways of dealing with ASD, and was wondering if you know of any herbs that would be equivalent to or help the body to create it's own n-acetyl cystine?

    i was also looking at glutathione, and i see now that milk thistle boosts the levels of glutathione. funnily enough i've been wanting to include milk thistle glycerite, but didnt have a reason to. i guess i need to pay attention to those kinds of intuitions.

    i also feel drawn to the antioxidant selenium (found abundantly in brazil nuts). and bentonite clay is something else that i've thought about, but i dont know if my kiddo would take it.
  4. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    There are some vitamins called Herbasaurus, Nature's Sunshin puts out. They are gummy bear vita. They taste great and the kids eat them up. THey have helped in the past.

    I know it's a problem to get the goodies inside the kid that isnt chewables, and tastes bad, what I do is, use the liquid extracts and put it Applesause. It usualy only taks a few drops in the applesause and the kids eat it.

    For Vitamin intake. I don't know if you can get Tea down him, but Alfalfa Tea has everything a body needs as far as nutritional needs are concerned. Add Honey or Stevia for sweetener. One t-spoon alfalfa per cup of water.

    I am still doing reseach on this for you and will get back to you if I find anything worth mentioning.

    In Love and Light

    I'm happy to know that you research everything also, good for you. That's how we learn.
  5. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    I havent forgotten about you lovie. As I read over your posts I feel compeled to mention Picnogenal. It's found in Grapeseed Extract. CoQ-10, and perhaps some Bee Pollen ( easy to sprinkle on food ) to help remove the murcury.
    Eating broiled or baked fish is a way to get the Omegas in him.

    Have you tried making a Raspberry Smoothie with Bee Pollen, Flax Seed Oil, Grapeseed Oil, a little Stevia, some Nutritional Yeast, Vannilla Yogurt in a soy milk base, mixed in a blender. It's like drinking a milkshake most kids like it bc it gives the impression of being ice cream. You can get a lot of different 'potions' in a smoothie, sweet Nimh.

    You can mix and match, Alternate with two smoothies a day to get all the ingridence needed to promote Ultimate Healing. Some times with too many ingridence the smoothie will have a medicinal taste. Spliting it up into two 'doses will preserve the taste. You can use any fruit, I do suggest high anti-oxident containing fruit, like blueberry, raspberry, strawberry.

    I hope this works for you Nimh, Brightest Blessings
  6. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    thanks Shameless, we're still working on it. i tend to freeze his smoothies into popsicles, there's something about the texture of the normal smoothies that he cant stand. the cold helps mask the taste too, i can even put cod liver oil in there and he'll accept it. he's totally off all dairy right now, but i'm hoping that with some good enzyme therapies (thru houston neutraceuticals) that we'll be able to add back in the goat's milk yogurt that i used to make for him. cow dairy's pretty much out because of earaches, etc anyways. we've been away so much over the summer that he hasnt been getting his popsicles with all the good supplements in them. no freezers in the forest! haha


    ps, i think that camping and just being in nature away from all the concrete and machines, etc has been really good for him. :)
  7. Luvnh8

    Luvnh8 Member

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    You have some relaly great tips for herbal remidies, thank you for sharing! I was told only omega 3 and eating fish would help a bit with his thought process.

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