herbal smoking blends

Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by vincentvega, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. vincentvega

    vincentvega Member

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    i hear mixed things on the subject of these so called "marijuana alternatives." now, i just turned 18 and want to purchase some Aztec Gold blend from herbal-smoke.com. It is very highly rated and apparently people keep buying more of it. It is also said that these blends dont work well for regular MJ users because they expect the effects to be the same. I dont use very often at all, and wanted a legal alternative. So, my question to you guys is, has anyone tried any blend (not just aztec gold) that got them remotely buzzed at all. Or, is all of it just hype? If so, what are some good blends for me to try out. Thanks in advance.
  2. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    hahahahahaha....its all a scam dude, all those legal 'smoking mixtures' are harsh and probably have no psychoactive effects other than a good headache...just smoke weed man...
  3. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    well sort of most of them are salvia based so smokeing them like weed would have a very short very mild effect but nothing like actual weed, and is a wast of money now if you want to try salvia thats a whole differnet story
  4. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    steer clear of salvia, that shits insane
    yes i experimented with my own blends
    i liked a mixture of damiana hops mullin mugwort, little pinch of sage
    you have to smoke more then u would herb, but you do get a buzz
    also sassafrass tea if u drink enough,
    wormwood oil on the pepers makes it get u higher, but is real bitter
  5. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    there are othr herbs u can mix in to refine the high to one u like, do research & experiment, but experiment carefuly
  6. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    why stear clear od salvia,it can be mild to very intence, i found salvia to be one of the most eye opening drugs ive ever done
  7. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    thats the problem, these companys are mixing salvia in with a bunch of random herbs, and aren't properly representing the intense effects salvia can produce...therefore people buy this stuff expecting a weed high, end up getting super high and could potentially do harm to themselves or others
    salvia will probably be illegal soon if this keeps up

    maybe i was a little harsh in my initial response, the point that i was trying to get across was that most of these companys are not legit, nor are their products...so to clarify what i said before; if your looking for something with the effects of cannabis, then simply smoke cannabis...if not, maybe describe the effects your seeking and maybe we can help you out.
  8. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    well these people who do smoke these blends dont get the normal salvia high, i dont think they would hold it in for 20-30 secounds or smoke it out of a bong or a pipe that works better for salvia,and all they get is shit
  9. PLyTheMan

    PLyTheMan Senior Member

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    Salvia is going to be illegal soon anyways, its just a constant uphill battle with these things...

    I've hear morning glories work well, just be sure to get clean seeds. The ones you get from stores usually are covered in chemicals that will make you sick. My friend's mom has some MGs growing in her garden, so we just went and got about 120 seeds fresh. Gonna get some more then try to extract the LSA.

    Otherwise, yeah, just smoke pot. If its legal it aint good, if its legal and good, it wont be legal for long. Such as Salvia.
  10. vincentvega

    vincentvega Member

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    yea, it kind of seems like a scam. thanks guys.
  11. TokeTrip

    TokeTrip Senior Member

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    There are a few herbs that work pretty well; I suggest damiana (very weak), yopo (make you feel very heavy, but you can feel music all around you; great with next one), yerba mate (brew a strong tea from it, it has a *lot* of caffeine. When you come down, smoke some yopo, and you get really mellow and in the couchlock position), cebil (see yopo), salvia (if you like to trip, hard), datura (if you like dieing), syrian rue (eat 8g of them, and you'll fly. Don't eat 16, or you'll be sick and tripping for 8 hours [I know]), kratom (I like it, it's a weak high... usually just hits the spot. Most of my friends say it's too weak), Nicotiana Rustica (if you get it from a good supplier [for me, bouncingbearbotanicals] there aren't those nice pesticides, and it gives a good mellow feeling. I use rarely ['fraid of addiction]), kava kava (really weak high/mellow, but if you can feel it weakly).
  12. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    um dude do you know what your talking about man yopo doesnt work well smoked if at all why the fuck are you smoking its used for snuff...,kava kava when done right is not that week neither is kratom,saliva can be very mild,Nicotiana Rustica is anything but mellow its a stimulant, i would suggest chemical names with the planet names as well, i would definitly learn more about them
  13. Mac

    Mac Member

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    im sick of people saying "Just smoke weed" i dont want weed all the time. i want something mellow and relaxing that will give me a neat little buzz that is unlike marijuana. pot is a weekend drug for me now. i want to be bale to smoke herbal cigs and mellow out or somehting but i dont know what to get.
  14. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    neat littile mellow buzz... try opium
  15. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    ^^^or cigarettes/shisha...the point is, the 'herbal blends' dont do anything but harsh your lungs up
  16. TokeTrip

    TokeTrip Senior Member

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    You've gotten seriously blazed off of kratom/kava kava? Doubt it. Yopo is peregrina, which contains both 5meodmt & dmt. Smoking it works, it's a somewhat mellow feeling, music feels much better, and you get a very heavy feeling in your chest. I've never smoked saliva, but I assume you mean salvia. While I agree it's mild, other's are preferred if you just want a "mild" feeling. Maybe you should try them, and stop "learning" about them?
  17. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    yes i know people who have had very strong effects off kratom and kava(kratom is actuly illegal in some places because its used so much), smoking yopo in my opinon is pointless its a wast of yopo and smoking it is horrilbe on your lungs,yes i mean salvia sorry i was high when i wrote that so my spelling was off. and if you want a "mild" high smoking opium is probly your best choice,i dont use "mild" drugs
  18. PsychedelliaMachina

    PsychedelliaMachina Member

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    Funny all this bad talking about Salvia.Honestly,I happen to agree,with one of the previous posts,it is one of the more mind opening natural(and for now 'legal')
    psychedellics I've tried.

    One of my usual favorite herbal mixes is a a combination of weed(depending on what's handy),some Hash,Saliva,and Sage.The expirence is very organic,and incredibley mind altering(depending on the enviroment and mood.)
    Usually I smoke this combo for artistic purposes,but I've found out it goes incredibley well with music.

    Opium is something I've been meaning to get back into.Though of course in carefuly maintained doses.Not to sound like a spineless twit,but I do know Opium kinda made H.R. Giger kinda cooky.

    Then again,I'm generaly spaced out..awww...who cares,so long as I enjoy it,that's what counts.:D
  19. NaturaAtraSpiritus

    NaturaAtraSpiritus Member

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    Anyone have any recipe blends for nice relaxing mellow herbal smokes?
  20. shockseventyfour

    shockseventyfour Member

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    does wild dagga do anything?

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